Picking Up The Pieces
browneyesparkerLink to art:
HEREWord Count: 10922
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Five times Lisbon tries to save Tommy and one time she can't. Includes spoilers for Season 4.
Disclaimer: If I owned the Mentalist I wouldn't be writing fanfiction.
Notes: This has probably been the hardest fic I have ever written. It's really not that easy trying to write 10000 words for a fandom you love but haven't written all that much for. Thanks for
tromana for always being a cheerleader, even though for once she has yet to read this fic. Thanks to
cifre for betaing, though we only managed to work on the first two sections (that may change, it depends if she's had the time to do the rest? Sorry again for the late notice!) And finally, thanks to
browneyesparker for the lovely art, I can't wait to check out the fanmix.
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