Prompt: 19: Found
Fandom: Monsters Inc, set months after Sulley is reunited with Boo.
Rating: soft T
Characters: Sulley is the only one present but Randall is mentioned.
Genre: Angst.
Any shipping? Nope.
Word count: 630
Summary: Sometimes Sulley wonders if Randall wants to be found.
Warnings: Mentions humans using drugs and has dark themes.
Sometimes Sulley wonders if Randall wants to be found. )
Yeah, maybe not exactly ''torture'' (sorry, I was a bit out of line with that), but that machine could have seriously harmed her [Boo] and maybe even presented possible death. From what I understand seeing how the machine worked on Fungus, it literally suffocates you to death. If you stop and think, ''extracting screams'' that's logically connected to any airway passage. Inserting that mouth piece would no doubt cut off all source of air. Even if they turned off the machine before that could happen, being without air for too long may result in permanent brain damage (I know from personal experience). With Boo, even though the dials weren't turned up all the way to maximum capacity, the power of the machine would traumatize her. A child that small could not survive the impact that machine would deliver. I don't know if Randall was aware of it, but like you said, that might've been the least of his concerns, viewing Boo as simply ''sub-human'' or at least something remotely close. To him, she might as well have been a ''dumb animal'' as you said above.
And I agree that resistance against Waternoose would have probably resulted in Randall's own banishment, and he probably knew that. And you're right, he didn't seem thrilled about the idea [of killing Sulley] at first, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Regardless of any one's POV, both Sulley and Randall did wrong, whether they knew it or not, so neither should be excused for their actions, even if one had rationale behind it. But Sulley had obvious reasons. Maybe that's why I sympathize with Sulley's case a bit more because we KNOW his ulterior motives: protect Boo. Anyone would have done the same. But we don't know Randall's true motives, if he had any, whether he really was being used or not and the consequences (i.e. blackmail, etc.), so it's hard to say whether we [the audience] should sympathize with him. I think a lot of people do anyways, but it's not fair considering how much they accuse Sulley when Randall did as much bad. I love both of them to death, so naturally, I would stand up for their cause, but I am leaning more towards Sulley's situation due to more evidence backing him up and his actions. But I agree that just because something is understandable, doesn't mean it's right. The same can be said for both Randall and Sulley. Even though we don't know exactly what was going on with Randall, the audience still wants to understand him. I understand why Sulley did it, but yeah. It still wasn't right. But neither was Randall.
I'm glad you noticed the colour thing, too! I thought I was the only one. It's an interesting take on why things are the way they are, no?
Actually, I understood you completely. ^^ All I was saying by ''desperate measures'' was that, yes, he had no choice because Sulley was in his way, but at the same time, he enjoyed it greatly, which is what I meant to say by not too thrilled ''at first''. At first, he just wanted to get Boo but then it evolved into that AND revenge, so later he wanted both Boo AND to have Sullivan out of the picture entirely. When he says, ''You don't know how long I've waited to do that, Sullivan,'' that's evidence enough to suggest he got a kick out of beating up his long rival. And yeah, whether the Noose gave Randall orders or not, Randall would have most likely killed both Mike and Sulley either way. Without the Noose's authoirity, he was already torturing Mike to death, or at least having his fun from deriving pleasure from Mike's pain.
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