Dec 02, 2010 20:19 briefly go to the shops after feeling lousy all day to get chocolate and crisps HEALTHY FOOD FOR SNACKS BECAUSE YOU ARE FEELING BAD YOU DUMB TURD BECAUSE YOU ARE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT A DUMB ESSAY LAST NIGHT; when a random customer says they're just browsing. Instead of realising the obvious you imagine them nibbling on wrappers rather like an invasive red deer of New Zealand would eat foilage of poor innocent herbs and saplings of trees. You cannot escape the imagry of this person doing this and stand staring blankly into space in the queue until the person at the till calls you twice to say its YOUR TURN. Said till owner is nice, though her work colleagues give me look of disgust like I am someone who went stoned to a funeral.
Yeeeaaaah. I think I'll finish listening to one of my seminar recordings, take a few notes for the critique and get an early night.
No staying up until 2:30 for this girl!
At least I managed to get an extension on dumb essay thing but still I'll hopefully get it done before last night of extension.
why i am made of fail