May 20, 2008 17:13
I usually like cottage cheese. If you get the non-fat stuff it's pretty good for you, and a decent source of protein.
While stocking up for the week out here in BFE, Connecticut, I was perusing Whole Foods (not my regular shopping spot) and found the dairy section. Sadly, they were out of non-fat cottage cheese, which caused an immediate "WTF?" on my part. Opting for the 1% "lowfat" I quickly tossed a carton in my basket and carried on.
Well I go to eat "dinner" and had a most unpleasant surprise. While I was focused on the "lowfat" part of the label, I missed the fact that this particular cottage cheese is both "whipped" and "spreadable." I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised when it tasted like ass.