Zombie Days

Nov 01, 2009 12:48

Well since I never post anything useful here anymore I fgured I will use my LJ account for fictional zombie postings.

I could make a website for it since i have a webhost but id rather start here and see how it goes and if i keep with it and want to expand I can always move over to a webpage.

Ive had various zombie thoughts and stories and what would I do if going through my head for awhile now. I had mentioned on my facebook account about well my lack of english grammar and writing skills;p I figured i would go with the flow and make it a journal style posting. Which means I'm going to write as if im writing in my own journal. one thing i need to figure out is how to use my own font on here. point towards using my own webpage

This will be fictional autobiographical in nature meaning well some of you dear freinds and loved ones are going to well.... Die, sorry nothing personal just whats a zombie story without dead people ? I will be using using peoples general likeness and simalar but not exact names and connections to me in life.

IF you DON'T want to be included please let me know.

Right now im going to sit down and figure out how the infection start and who get infected and who doesn't and how the virus spreads and the basics.
I'm going to steal some idea from various webcomics and blog and sites i've been across. www.thezombiehunters.com/index.php www.deadwinter.cc/ www.everydaydecay.com/

Some are immune but are carriers that can infect the non infected

not everyone turns to zombies when they die. see conditons for infection below

those that change after they die crawlers are your typical zombies slow mindless not horrible strong but they seem to always move in large packs. common

Spitters zombies that have bloated horrible after death they are slow zombies like crawlers but lot deadlier they spit wads of sticky acid like phlem that will eat away at most substances and carries the virus for infection uncommon 1- 10,000 some turn before they die and are classified runners (zombies that can function as well as they could in life except they lack higher mental functions so they can run jump bash but no opening doors using cars) uncommon. usually found one or two at a time 1-10,000

Hunters the bane of zombie hunters and survivors In rare cases a person changes before they die and not only do they retain their physical abilities they retain alot of their higher brain funtions this mean they know how to use doors latches and simple tools pry bars think the manual dexterity of an average 5 or 6 year old and worse of all they have limited abilty to plan their attacks and stalk their targets 1 - 100,000

Other versions of zombies have been reported but not solid info on them as of yet said to be extremely rare 1 - 1,000,000 (aka keeping my options open ;p) I'm think tank or witch style zombies for Left4Dead or extemely smart hunter zombie.

conditions of being infected I have thought about it being affected by blood types and vaccinations for flu and n1h1

I'm thinking that if every single person that died suddenly became a zombie i dont care who you are your screwed a common guy like me would lasta couple days at most period.

I want it to be apocolyptic too so most of the world needs to die

info from red cross regarding blood types

O +1 person in 338.4%O -1 person in 157.7%A +1 person in 332.3%A -1 person in 166.5%B +1 person in 129.4%B -1 person in 671.7%AB +1 person in 293.2%AB -1 person in 1670.7%
i want to find a consistant population of around 10% - 15% to serve as my zombie reanimates

A- B- and AB- may work but thats 8.9%

the presecence of an unknown antigen for the rest of the population blood types of + would replain the reason they failed to animate 83.3

except for O- 7.7% I could include the o- in the reanimates the would give me a figure of 16.6% to reanimate

but i need a immune survivor group beyond the receivers of the n1h1 vaccine
an imcompatibilty of AB- that gives me a nice small working group of .7% ab- my rare carrier strain of survivors they are dont change until death

after death they are the most common sources of rare zombies ?

given those guidelines

TYPES DISTRIBUTIONRATIOSResulting zombiesO +1 person in 338.40%non animateO -1 person in 157.70%animate / early change possibleA +1 person in 332.30%non animateA -1 person in 166.50%animate / early change possibleB +1 person in 129.40%non animateB -1 person in 671.70%animate / early change possibleAB +1 person in 293.20%non animateAB -1 person in 1670.70%carrier blood type/ animate only after death*    * abnormal mutantions after death have been reported unverifed

and n1h1 vaccine receivers immune even after death but only early receivers of the vaccine future attempts fail to contain the virus after it mutated from its initial stage

I think that would work

current numbers of number of vaccination produced and delivered

next considerations time scale for spreading and infection rate   and incubation periods

Aggregate Totals
Posted October 30, 2009, 12:00 PM ET Doses Allocated as of 10/28/09*23,160,700Doses Ordered as of 10/28/0919,443,600Doses Shipped as of 10/28/09**16,870,000
*Doses allocated to project areas for ordering are those that are at the distribution depots and ready for project areas to order.
Vaccine is allocated to each project area in proportion to its population (pro rata).

**There is a lag time between allocation, ordering, and shipment of doses as project areas place orders and those orders are processed and shipped.

***Project areas reflect CDC Public Health Emergency Response (PHER) Grantees.


zombie brainstorming

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