Aug 09, 2019 19:04
I'm watching cage fighting before the Yankees vs. Redsox game comes on.
Looking at resturants for beth and i to eat at while we're in orlando.
In exactly three months. from today. we will be eating at Arabian Nights on the first night of our honeymoon.
This wedding has become...I can't even begin to explain how angry it's made me.
My mother is acting as if it isn't that big of a deal. She has straight out said that we should go to massachusetts or somewhere it's legal because if we do it here, it's not like it's really happening.
She keeps nagging me about getting her a silver tea set for her twenty-fifth wedding anniversary and called me cheap when I said I was going to give her a $50 gift card to a resturant because I couldn't afford to buy her something that will do nothing but collect dust somewhere.
And now the list of people who aren't coming are rolling in. Two of the most important people in my life aren't coming to the most important day of my life. I know that circumstances aren't working out the way that they're supposed to, and that there isn't anything that can be done about it, but it is killing me more than I expected it would. Because I want those people there to support beth and I in a way that my family doesn't seem to be doing.
This isn't to say that my parents won't be there. They will be. They love Beth and I. They are so supportive of the relationship that it's surreal. they just don't think that this wedding is real.
blah blah blah.