Jun 09, 2017 22:49
I've neglected to write in this thing much since I got back to Florida.
It's not been because I'm busy, because to be quite honest, I've done nothing much interesting the last few weeks.
I got a job working for this company called NEW which, in a nutshell, does customer service for OTHER companies, such as Best Buy, via telephone. I'm the person you call if you want to initiate a warranty, or find a place to fix your item while it's under it. That sort of thing.
Beth is still jobless. Which makes no sense to me because she is the one with the college degree. There are a couple of hopeful possibilities, and we'll just have to wait and see.
David said my name for the first time the other day. Well, the first time in which I could hear it. He generally says "La La" but he actually said Lanna. Precious, eh? He's walking and all.
I miss Boone terribly. I miss living in the apartment with Beth. We're looking around to see what's available, but until we both get jobs and are safe with our savings, living at home is how it runs.
I'm still under some vague assumption that I'll be going back to Boone at the end of the summer. But I know it won't happen.