If you think things are perfect think again

Jan 20, 2005 19:37

So resently I have had a lot of bullshit happen. Know I can't say that I did this to myself, but it all boils down to the fact that I stupidly agreed to move in with the guy I was dating and his friend back in 2003. This decision haunts me to this day. That is because a on this Sunday that just past I found out that I ran the risk of being evicted from an apartment that I haven't lived for five month, all because of my idiot ex-boyfriend and his bigger idiot friend giving a rubber check as rent (that means the check they gave was no good). All this ment to me was that I was not off the lease like I had thought. So I spent Monday phoning about 7 different people figuring out what the hell it was that I had to do to get myself off this POS lease. Tuesday I started getting sick and wrote another letter to be released, now all I have to do is wait for my ex to sign that letter and I am off, the guy that is continuing to live in the appartment has to re-apply for the lease which releases my dad a garantor. BUT next week I still have to phone the building to make sure that this is done. I just want this part of my life to be over with already.

Other then this everything else with me is just fine (minus the fact that I have lost my voice and can't breath, I hate being sick). I finish my classes next week so I will be moving back home for good soon. I am pretty sure that I will be doing my job placement at AstralMedia, which run viewers choice payperview, TMN and moviepix. I will be job shadowing and trying my hand at master control. It will be so much fun and it down by the hockey hall of fame so I can shop down town more often. YAY!

So to end my entire I will say, see you all in Markham this weekend, BYE!
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