Aug 31, 2004 19:34
lordie lordie. i am tired of it. im S W I T C H I N G S C H O O L S very very soon. the one i am currently at is G H E T T O . although they have a nice building which they screwed up with L A M E stuff. hopefully i can transfer to a B E T T E R school. H O P E F U L L Y. ai seriously can NOT stand it. which brings me to the fact that i will beg my mother to T R A N S F E R me to the beloved C C H S in 10th grade. dont forget me all so soon now.
there is this company that "helps" out schools in need. edison something. i S W E A R they are planning for a very complex WORLD DOMINATION theyre the jerks who "enforces" this desert uniform crap. psh. they have like 80 schools over the contries wearing D R E A D F U L uniforms. DAMN YOU EDISON. DAMN YOU.
lastly. im planning. planning very carefully.
its funny how everyone forgot about me so fast.
no its not.
hmmm. ill just entertain myself then.
like the layout jo?