Title: Takashi Wa Ima Orimasen / (Takashi Is Not In Now) Part 1
mental_assualtFandom: Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Characters: Han/Takashi
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 341
Warning(s): Language, Slash(later)
Prompt: 12. Frustrated //
Emotions: Prompt Table #1Summary: Han always picks the worst possible times to call Takashi, but he always makes it up to him.
Author Note: Okay, since my Japanese is limited, if I’ve made any mistakes with the few phrases I did use, please tell me :) Thanks!
Takashi was cruising through Tokyo, going in no particular direction. Just going.
He had called Han earlier to see if he wanted to join him, but the bastard said he had better things to do. So he was riding solo, looking at all the buildings and people he’d seen before, until he saw something that just made his skin crawl.
A man that his Uncle Kamata had told him about was once again selling on their turf. The bastard had gotten away too many times and this time he wasn’t going to. Takashi grabbed his gun swerved into the nearest parking spot and was about to get out to shoot the fucker in the head when his phone rang.
“Moshi-Moshi,” He said as calm as he could, he could still see the man and if he hurried, he would still have the shot.
“Hiro-kun wa irasshaimasu ka?” The feminine voice asked from the other end.
Takashi couldn’t believe it. “Iie, chigaimasu.” He grit out. He quickly hung up the phone. He looked around again and saw that the man was still standing in the alley. He smiled and threw his cell to the side and cocked his gun, when, “DAMNIT!”
He would’ve ignored it, if it weren’t for the fact that it could be his Uncle. And that was one person’s calls you never missed. Which was why he answered the phone with a politeness so forced it could break glass.
“DK.” It was Han.
Takashi, ground his teeth with such a force that he thought that he would break teeth.
“What do you want, Han?”
“Come over here,” Han said, ignoring the venom in DK’s voice.
“What? No! WHY?!” Takashi sputtered.
“Man, stop asking crazy questions and get your ass over here.”
Takashi took a deep breath. He looked around to see where his target was and noticed that he was gone.
“What?” Han said lightly. Takashi just growled.
Han laughed and said, “Yeah, whatever, just get here.”
Takashi was about to say something, but Han had already hung up. He glared at the phone and in his frustration threw it on the floor before peeling out in Han’s direction.
*Moshi-Moshi : Hello (when answering the phone)
*Hiro-kun wa irasshaimasu ka? : Is Hiro there?
*Iie, chigaimasu. : No, you have the wrong number.