Jun 23, 2007 12:24

Just wanted to make an update to let yu all know that I haven’t died. I’ve just been really useless (a.k.a busy) & haven’t gotten my ass online recently. I’ve only managed to snatch a few minutes here & there, in between working & rushing about sorting things like a mad women!.... It’s been a VERY hectic couple of months for me, so I’m really overjoyed that it’s now looking more & more like I’m going to have more ‘Me time’ & spare time to relax to do what I want & need to do ^_^
Just want to apologise *gets down on knees & begs!* to
ulorin_vex for not making the T.G birthday ball… sadly life all went a tad tits up for me around that date & I couldn’t make it. I didn’t have any dollah & was having a few relationship issues etc at the time (all resolved now which is good…) So I’m really, really, REALLY sorry… & gutted that I didn’t go! But if yu’re going to The summer ball on the 7th july I’ll 100% defiantly be there as I’m going there for birthday celebrations (my birthday’s on the 12th) Should be a really good night :)

I’ve been feeling really GRRRRR recently because I’ve been so wrapped up in other things that I’ve neglected having much time to myself to create etc. I’m getting to the point where if I don’t get to have the spare time I’m going to totally turn psychotic lol. So I’m having pretty much all this weekend to myself to get on with my Artwork & projects which I’m really glad about because I’ve got lots of art I need to complete & I also need to start work on the designs for my pay site that I’m doing with a friend in North Walsham. July is looking set to be a busy one as far as taking photos go, because I need to shoot a shit load of content for it before we get it up & running!… I just hope the weather gets better so I can do some nice outdoor stuff for it. Global warming my ass! *shakes fist at the grey sky* the weather is really bugging me at the mo & I totally forgot about it being my birthday until like 2 days ago! I’m normally used to the weather around my birthday being stupidly hot & sunny yu see, so It doesn’t even feel like it’s the right time of year. All the rain we’ve been having is so damn depressing. I want sun! -_-

I’ve been doing some really exciting things over the last two months & life in general is fine & dandy for me right now. I feel like I’m in a really good place & that I’m slowly but surely achieving all my dreams & desires. I couldn’t wish for it to be any better which is such an ace feeling…. I’ve just got this amazing inner glow of happiness & contentment at the moment & I’m so at peace with myself/comfortable in my skin it almost scares me….But I do like the fact that I can place my hand on my heart & declare that I am truly happy. & what tops it all off is that it’s the kind of inner happiness that nothing or nobody else can take from me. It comes from inside me & only I can take it away… Kind of hard to describe but its very lovely ^_^ *smiles*
I’ve been up & down to London a few times for some photo shoots recently which have been cool… Worked with the ever lovely & talented Marc Blackie again on the 9th & got some really cool stuff done. We did a spanking pic where I was being spanked by a scarecrow which was fun (One of the shots from that set is going to be used in a photo book being bought out by Goliath publishing I do believe…) we also did a few other things involving menstrual blood & then some colour shots based around a bukkake theme! These were great fun I got to be covered by this bath cream that did look exactly like cum, called ‘heavenly milk’… I kid yu not it was called that! This was very amusing until it slowly worked it’s way into my closed eyes & stung like hell… but we managed to get quite a few wicked shots before I had to be led to the bathroom by Marc to wash the pseudo man-juice from my burning eyes…Ahhh all in the name of art eh?
Here’s one of the shots I pinched from Marc’s site, I haven’t been sent any of the others yet:

I like this shot a lot. It was my idea based around a piece of art work I did a while back called ‘The monthly Bleed’ Which was of a girl with her inner parts showing (like in a sex education book) then with blood running down her legs. I like how Marc’s shot & cropped this, I think it works really well.

I also went to London to do a cover shoot for Bizarre magazine with Aria Giovanni a few weeks back…This was the best photo shoot I’ve ever been on! The Bizarre guys are all such a laugh & Aria was the most beautiful & sweetest women I’ve ever met… A true Goddess incarnate! We both wore latex underwear & got sprayed with water to look all sweaty ha ha, was a VERY hot & sexy shoot… but not going to say much more; yu’ll all have to wait until the magazine comes out. I think it’s going to be the August issue. I can’t wait to see the results from the shoot printed in the mag, It’s going to be really cool, but odd to see my mug on the shelves on the local newsagents.
I’m going to have to paint Aria a portrait because she defiantly inspired me with her beauty & charisma. Was great to hang around with everyone after the shoot & getting pissed & stuffing our faces full of yummy Turkish/Moroccan food. Mmmmm hummus!
A few of the Bizarre team are coming down to the fine city of Norwich next week to do an article on the city for their little tour of Britan thang that they’re doing. I’m going to give them a guided tour of all the odd things around the place & show them the decent places to go when it comes to shops, clubs etc. I’ve managed to sort out quite a few things with the help of Kev for them to do whilst down here. We’re going to take them to Indigo Tattoo studio to let them see Kev get his genital beads inserted (Fuck that’s going to be funny!) & then we managed to blag our way into being let into spearmint rhino for free in the night time. This kicks ass because we’ll get money Put behind the bar by the manager & we talked them into letting us have permission to take photos in the establishment, which is something they normally NEVER do. So yeah, should all be a really fun filled day of mayhem & mischief…. Can’t wait!

Well going to be off for now as need to crack on with some house work & do some art… but I’ll write a more thoughtful update later… I’ve written this all at super speed ha ha. Oooo before I go looky at the prettiness I bought!!!!
It cost so much money but it’s soooo worth it! I’ve wanted this outfit forever, so finally bought it as a birthday gift to myself. I got it in black with red trim & I got the whole outfit as well! so it’s the neck corset, the corset, the straps, the kick ass pussy pants & also got some dildo pants with it. I love H-W design latex; they really do make the most amazing outfits. Can’t wait to put this on when it gets here ^_^

It looks like this:

Bye for now… *kisses*


photos, h-w design, marc blackie, torture garden, art, bizarre magazine, latex, aria giovanni, norwich

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