Apr 13, 2007 18:12

So Ummm yeah been a pretty mad week…. I went to London last weekend for the Torture Garden Easter ball & it was even more awesome than I ever dreamed it would be ^_^ 
Kev came with me & we met up with one of my internet buddies Laura when we got there. Laura was also there with her mum & dad who are really into the fetish scene (What great parents!!! I wanna swap lol).. It was ace to finally get to go to one of the T.G events & to meet all the people I speak to online in the flesh. hee hee. (All the other times I was supposed to go to these events something cropped up that prevented it! grrr) 
I really wish I’d taken pictures of us, ‘cos me & my sugar looked da bomb! :D I wore my semi-transparent, purple with black trim/frills dress by ‘Delicia latex’& Backcombed my hair all massive. Kev wore some of my black latex leggings & a corset, Along with a blonde cosplay wig. He looked yummy. So yummy in fact that he made some gay guy in Liverpool street station literally stop in his tracks! LMAO the guys face was priceless… he just stopped dead still, mouth dropped, hands raise up in camp fashion as he tilted his head to stare as Kev’s super shiny ass.

The event itself was held as Mass nightclub in Brixton, which is this really neat converted old church. It’s got lots of rooms & lots of stairs (which was not so great!) One room was playing lots of random music like polka etc & had stage performances, another was playing dance/sleazy house & then if yu went to the downstairs room it was a massive dungeon! (also playing spiffing music might I add!)… Needless to say I did some dancing about & watched some performances but We spent pretty much the whole of the night in the dungeon/play area ;P We then proceeded to watch & join in with all the fun. I still have a bruised ass & Kev still has lots of nice welts on his back lol.

The best thing about the whole night & the club was not the venue, the clothing or the music… it was the people & the atmosphere. I guess It’s hard to describe unless yu go there, but it’s just a breath of fresh air! Seriously, It’s so refreshing to go to a club where it’s not just a meat market full of predatory wankers trying to chat yu up & get yu drunk to take advantage, Not full of people flaunting the latest designer clothes in order to impress all the other shallow people & Not full of people judging people on their looks alone. There were people of all shapes & sizes walking about at T.G with next to nothing on, or nothing! & no one was judging them. Instead it is an atmosphere where everyone was respecting one another. Like one big family.

Even though obviously the night is based around sex & sexuality; there was no pressure around that & no one there that made yu feel uncomfortable. Unlike normal clubs where if yu wear something even slightly revealing yu have every guys there being lewd & trying to grope yu! It was so totally relaxed… Honestly, there were people doing all sorts but it didn’t feel weird or uncomfortable in anyway. instead it felt like the most caring & liberating atmosphere yu could ever hope to be in. & I can’t wait to go back!

Then to top the night off, as everyone was leaving they gave everyone this pretty little bag full of flyers. 500 lucky bags were winning bags that had a free ticket in them for the ‘Latex summer ball’ In Devon. Looks like I’ll be going to Devon in July then :p… I like being lucky, free stuff is ace!

I’m also100% going to the T.G birthday ball end may, so hope to see lots of people there again. Not sure what I’ll wear yet.. I’m thinking maybe something involving a latex hood ^_^ We’ll have to see…

Ha ha, one thing that was really odd last sat was seeing my mug all over the place :P

It was so cool to be on the flyer for an event as amazing as that. I feel even more honoured now I’ve actually been!

Oooo also I got the new bizarre this week… Mucho drunken pics of me in there *hangs head in shame* That night was soooo fun though. Awwww memories ^_^

I need to meet up with some of those girls again… & as a pleasant surprise a piece of my artwork got printed in the same issue in the ‘reader art’ section. I had no idea they were even going to use it lol.

Here is me & Le Bonnie being drunk & pretty:

It’s just occurred to me (not that I’m complaining…) that I’ve been in print an awful lot recently which is nice. It feels good to know that your work is being acknowledged enough for this to occur. Apart from the T.G flyer & the bizarre mag stuff, I’m also going to be featured in the next issue of ‘Devolution magazine’ for the ‘model spotlight’ section & Satanic sluts are using me in their new book to be published worldwide, not only in the content but they’re also going to use one of my images as the front cover!!! & I’m getting paid lots for it. Boo yah! This makes me happy as I need dollar.

…Erghhh hope all that didn’t sound like I’m bragging >.< I’m just excited & proud, so I wanted to share *hugs*

Anyway enough of all that what else do I have to report?...

O yes! The dreaded curse!!! *cries* As some people may or may not know… I have not had a period for nearly a year. This was because I was on the contraceptive implant… Having no periods is a great little side effect of this device, sadly so is excess hair on my body/face & spots it would seem…. So the implant had to come out. I’m hoping the bad skin & hair will disappear quite soon. If not I’ll have to make them check me for polycystic ovaries… meh.

So once the implant was taken out they’ve put me straight on to a pill called cilest. So far so good…My skin is getting better & my moods are being great. I’ve finished my first pack yesterday & now I’m on the 7 day break in-between. & I am REALLY, REALLY terrified of having a period! I know this sounds retarded but I’ve kind of forgotten how they feel…All I remember is that I used to get them bad! I’m worried it’s going to be really gross & painful to make up for not having one for so long. I’m in a state of constant paranoia just waiting to come on. I’m sure I’ve got nothing to worry about… *crosses fingers* If it’s bad I’ve always got some co-codamol I can neck :P

So I’ve been feeling a bit shit all day due to this… a combination of the fear & getting over a cold -__- But I did get treats through the post today to cheer me up! My brand spanking new Latex leggings came from ‘libidex latex’. *screams in excitement* They are beautiful & fit like a glove. I did a little happy dance when I got the pack. I think the post people thought I was a bit loco :P

Here’s a pic of them:

Are they, or are they not the sex!?

I think as far as latex buying goes next month I’m going to avoid wasting money on eBay & instead save up for some really nice latex stuff… I’ve got my eye on quite a few bits & bobs.

I was planning on doing some artwork today as I have so many unfinished pieces of work…. But alas I didn’t get round to it. Instead I’ve been giving my room a proper good spring clean. It’s taking me a-g-e-s… I have to much junk damn it! But I did find some cool things I thought I’d lost & also I feel better now my room is in state of order & calm. I didn’t get to do any art though so boo hiss!!!! I’ll have to do some tomorrow instead.
 I managed to do some last Friday though which was nice. I’m really happy with it as it’s a piece that I’ve wanted to do for quite a while. I just hadn’t been able to find a taxidermy scarab beetle…

Check it out:

The scarab is painted with gold paint & the back ground wings & solar disc are painted in water colour on some thick cartridge paper. I then mounted the lot into a frame which I painted black. I think it’s neat ^_^

The label under the scarab says ‘Khepri’… Which means ‘coming into being’. Khepri is a form of the Egyptian god Re, as the rising sun & the scarab beetle is the symbol of transformation, light out of dark, rebirth & self creation.

…Just so yu know. :p

Anyhoo I’m off to hoover now…


I forgot to post this link before…


This is the super cheesy Send More Paramedics vid I was in lol. All good fun.


HEE HEE! Look what I found on an Old floppy disc :D It’s Blossom & Saraghhh!!!

*sigh* I miss yu guys… I’m really pissed that I didn’t get to meet up with Sara when she was down. Fucking work & illnesses.

latex, taxidermy, periods, torture garden, art

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