20 Simon (Misfits) Icons for
20inspirations Preview:
01: Word - composed
02: The colours of the first image + word - subtle
03: Inspired by the 2nd image, I was aiming for vintage, but I went off on a little bit of a tangent
04: Word - Abstract + texture. I tried to represent the feelings of Simon in his drug-induced state.
05: Word - Split
06: Texture
07: Word - personal
08: Picture
09: Word - black and white
10: Word - close
11: Word - repeater
12: Word - focus
13: Song (Buttons) - lyrics + Negative space
14: Word- orange
15: Word- touch. Originally it was only going to be Alisha's hand on Simon,
then I incorporated the image of her touching his face.
16: Word: Repeater
17: Word - close + 2nd image
18: Texture
19: Word - repeater
20: Song (Delicate)
Overall, I just really tried to focus on creative crops and composition in every icon, and if I wasn't happy with it scrapping it. As a result, this is my first post where I'm happy with every single icon. I thoroughly enjoyed making these icons, as using the inspirations allowed for focused creativity without too much restraint.
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