My cup won’t seal???

Jun 20, 2019 11:20

I’ve been using my lena cup for a couple cycles and I have had no problem with getting the cup inside my body. I quickly realized that I have a low cervix and the stem was really bothering me so I chopped as much as I can off without completely getting rid of it. Now, I just can’t seem to get the cup to “pop open” and seal. It only seals super low, so my stem is sticking out of my cervix, and I can feel it and it’s just not super comfortable. I’ve tried to stick my cup further into the uterus, but it doesn’t seal. I always feel around it to make sure the seal’s good, but most of the time there’s zero seal and my finger can go right between the cup. It’s super frustrating and I just really don’t know what to do at this point. Any advice?
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