Replacement cup questions

Feb 08, 2015 22:42

Hi, I hope these aren't questions that have been asked before, I've read through a lot of posts, but I couldn't find much that was specific enough!

So, my very first cup was a small Diva cup that I got in 2008, but it always leaked. So I came on here and read a bit, I decided my cervix was too low for me to use the Diva cup and decided to get a small LadyCup since it was the shortest cup made at the time and I didn't want to spend a horrific amout of money on a long line of menstrual cups! Until recently, I felt that I had found my Goldilocks cup! My LadyCup never leaked unless it was full, I couldn't feel it, and I could insert and remove it easily. But I recently started taking dance classes, which has really strengthened my pelvic floor muscles and now my cup has a tendency to migrate farther up and sideways than it used to. I also much more recently had a Paragard IUD inserted and my menstrual flow has gotten considerably heavier. So I've been considering getting a firmer, longer cup with more capacity. I'm not entirely sure if I should get a firmer or softer cup, but my understanding of it is that a firmer cup is better to contend with very intense pelvic floor muscles. And I'm thinking longer because it tends to migrate up and to the side, my cervix is on the left side so it always points the same way, but I think it shouldn't be doing that. I'd like more capacity because I'm having to empty my LadyCup every hour or so the first three days, which is doable, but not ideal. I know it shouldn't be as long as the Diva, and I'd rather have a good fit and firmness than a higher capacity, so if anyone has any ideas I'd be so grateful! I think I have it narrowed down to a small soft Yuuki, a large Lunette, a low cervix or teen FemmyCycle, or a medium or large MeLuna sport. Any other ideas are also very welcome! Thank you in advance!

Edited to clarify that I've been using a menstrual cup for six years and that I have read through the FAQ pages and looked through the size charts, thanks!

buying decision, yuuki, iud, sizes/size issues, heavy blood flow, cervix position, lunette, meluna, femmycycle

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