Hello everyone, I have a question that may seem silly. But in light of the recent posts...

Sep 22, 2012 05:38


So I've been seeing some posts around lately that are encouraging us to suggest cups to our mothers, and I guess I just couldn't really think of anywhere else to ask this. My mother had to have a hysterectomy when my younger brother was born. I was just wondering if anyone thought that a cup would be of any use to while she goes through menopause. I know she obviously doesn't have periods anymore so she can't use a cup for that (which is the intended purpose of a cup), but I don't have periods often either because of the IUD I have. I still find my self using my cup sometimes to catch other annoying secretions and I thought maybe she could use it for that if that. She knows about mine and she thinks it's a pretty cool idea.

Unfortunately I have no idea what menopause entails for women with hysterectomies or how that might figure into cups. I just don't want my mom to be left out if a cup could change her life in the way it has changed mine. I have no idea where else I could possibly gain any insight on this. I know that there are some older, wiser women on here who might be able to help me out.

Should I maybe try to talk to her about cups? Would they still help her in any way or is it better left alone?
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