english is the worst language to ever evolve and is apoison to the earth, like co2

Feb 24, 2007 00:05

and, religion has always been the opiate of the masses. people need heroes, hope even if Ghandi hated blacks or if mother Theresa set up death camps instead of using her embezzled money to create real hosp(itality)-(v)itals (go ahead, look up the roots...). I have no problem with people ending their knowldege with belief, but where does war figure into religions that mean literally, of the book starting with Adam and his tragically unfortunate wife, "peace", "son of god", and again "Peace." Israel, shalom, salaam, and Islam all have the same semitic root. I blame the president of Russia this time. look out for Putin. or maybe I'll take the catholic view as addressed at the untied nations after bush dub had been there.. the devil was here. here just yesterday; i can stil smell the sulfur!

an tu,

there can be no metaphysical logic where there is no metaphysical fact. only belief in ideas that may or may not subjectively exist. nothing is real. anything is possible. I think I'll go watch the x-files or carnival and be inspired by fallaciousness. TV is the opiate of Americans, as much so as Christianity is.

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