(no subject)

Aug 04, 2006 00:16

Grace by almighty God apon us. I pray.

Or at least How I would have sadi that 300 years ago.

God, I don't deserve the good you give me or the love I see around me. Is it wrong that I can feel your love and some many do not? Is it wrong that they claim there is No God, that are a fiary tale I use to make myself feel, good. When in reality, If you were a story, it would be to grand and full of adventure I could never understand.

And now I'm left here, surounded by masked faces. All masks.
How can I convince just one person to remove that mask? How can I when I wear my own and hold on to it dearly.

What is the mask? simple. the need to have poeple and things decide who you are. Decide what you do. Decide what you say and think and feel. The stuff the universe is made of. We ae higher then it all, not in a way of power or domination. But as in terms of inheritance.

I want to get stuff going, not for my sack, but for yours. Not for your sake, but mine. Life is too short not to care, and most people want to care, if only they could, But the mask strings are very tight.

Try stopping a behavior you do alot that disgust you. Anything other then the basics of life. I mean, something you do that hurts someone,(anyone) else. Try to find a way to motivate that person (or yourself) into being more involved in the world around you.

Is this hard? Maybe.
But I'm doing it, I'm blazing a trail in the name a cuase of my own chosing. And if you want to come beside, that would make my day.
A game of self dicovery.
A great Risk for the sake of risking this meaning less life.
To dare to lose it, and find a life refreshing to people around me.

I just want to be a ripple in someone else day

and I could go on with the dreaming portrait of what I want.
Activly seek them.

So, tomorrow, I stop being a closed up clam and try to make others smile, Becouse A smile is worth great pain.

Happiness is rare today.
Humanity sweats hostility, and the world getting hotter.

If your intrested, just find a small and simple way to be "Positive" towards/for someone you care about.

As for my faith and it's role in this, I'm a disciple of Christ. But you may not. And that is alright. I don't think "christian" is a positive term, so why force it on others?
And that is another post altogether.

Tonite I will pray for guidance and perseverance for my senior year.
I will ask God to help me not to be controlled by my emotions.
i shall become, Disciple
A student wants to know what the Teacher knows.
A disciple wants to be who the teacher is.
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