May 13, 2005 23:16
Hmm.... lets see, it's been a while.
I guess the main theing to have happened is that our Scenography project is kinda up and running. After loads of faffing around we've really startd to do stuff andit's looking good - the whole area is! Everyone's doing a bonza job :D So that's mainly lighting and et on my behalf which means going up scary big tall ladders and unstable structers - whiich surprisingly enough I don't seem to mind too much! Better than the trampoline floor anyways :S
Things are kinda better in the house - I've realised we're all not gonna be as good friends as we once were, and I don't have to like them. This in turn has made me think I might as well make an effort towards them so we don't leave on the harshest terms. Though one in particular is still winding me up with loudness and two-faced hypocracy. (cat) But that's life I suppose!
Found out more about my next year - am comin back two weeks early to work as the lighting designer mainly in Shakespeare's the tempest! Yayness, that's the first Shakespeare I can remember reading when I was about 9 - don't worry, it's was the easy read simplified version of only about 10 pages :p Still looking forward to it though, we all get to work on all areas, but have to focus in on one.
One slight snag though..... Dad's wedding is the day after the last performance, and I neeed to be there the day before for all the rehearsals and stuff, not to mention making sure the dresses fit and everything! So have had to talk to just about everyone involved - apart from the cast of course! - to sort this out. As long as I teachj/help my set designer (Penny) to work the lighting desk and the EXACT way the performance should go she can do the final performance which kinda sucks. The last one's always best, then you got the get out and the after show many drinks. Poo, shall have to get drunk at the wedding instead and make a good impression on all my new step-relatives instead. Hopefully Matt's coming down to help me through! I'll have someone to talk to at least, not really feeling like meeting new people atm.
Erm.... so eating salad, trying not to drop heavy lighting equiptment on everyone (just about managing so far) finish the room, finish my computer aided piece (after loosing it, finding it, loosing it again and then finding it for what seems permanant) and revise for my exam on tues. In the morning :S Urgh. But get to go horsy riding after! :D well, hopefully.... something always goes wrong last moment.
Oh - and why do I seem to be the only person around who can bump into an ex (kinda) and not want to maim him, instead have a pleasant chat with him? Does anyone else still talk to/get on with their ex's??
Good thougt to end it on there huh??
Nai x