A post for Bronzers:
This will not be a judged contest, but rather a writing challenge in memory of Lady Algerina.
1.) The stories shall be about Buffy & Angel's relationship. It can be set at any time the writer feels comfortable writing - during the shows' runs, modern day, in the near or distant future, or even in the past.
2.) They should be no less than 3 yet no more than 15 pages in length; word count no less than 500 yet no more than 4000. (In other words, you can't just write "Buffy & Angel Forever!" nor should you write a tome bordering on the volume of "Pride & Prejudice.")
3.) Only established characters should be used. One or two original characters shall be permitted, as long as they are secondary or tertiary characters.
(NO Mary Sues!) 4.) This will not be a judged contest, although comments shall be permitted at the discretion of the site hostess.
5.) As this challenge is in memory of one of our beloved members, clean language and good taste shall be observed. If you feel inclined to write a "bodice-ripper," keep it decent. All fic should be rated by the author.
6.) The Deadlines for entries is September 15, 2010. All completed entries should be emailed to Menomegirl at ilikebuffy101@yahoo.com or menomegirl@gmail.com.
7.) All entries will be posted at
The Sunnydale Library. Comments are welcome and anonymous comments will be enabled, so those without a Live Journal can leave feedback if they want.
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