Title: Just Add Wilson - Love Hurts
Characters: House/Wilson
Rating: PG
Words approx 950
Warnings: It's Valentine's Day (somewhere) so this is Light & Fluffy. Alternate reality, canon-divergent.
Summary: How would the date in 1.20 Love Hurts have played out if it was Wilson on the date instead of Cameron?
Author's Note This was supposed to be one of a series of drabbles, but it got away from me a little. Uses some dialogue from Kids and Love Hurts.
"Vogler is dead."
Wilson blinked at the man standing impatiently in his doorway.
"That's a little extreme, even for you. I hope you don't want me to hide the body, I wouldn't look good in prison orange."
"Metaphorically speaking. Cuddy has slain the dragon; all is right in the kingdom. Good has triumphed over evil. You can un-resign now." House tried to shoulder his way through the door but Wilson held firm. The last time House had visited it had taken threats of calling the police to shift him. Julie had not been pleased.
"I'm not going back to the hospital where the Board members voted me off without a second thought."
"Living well is the best revenge."
"So is getting a job at Boston General."
"You haven't."
"Interviewing Monday."
They stared at each other. House thumped his cane on the ground and peered past Wilson.
"The wicked witch is in, is she?"
Wilson wasn't going to admit that she was away for the week, or that he hadn't yet confessed to Julie that he'd resigned his position at the hospital - she wouldn't take that news well.
"So, what do you want?" House asked.
"What do I want?"
"To come back. You said that you had only had two things going for you - that job and this... “House gestured between them.”...screwed up friendship. We both know that you don't want to give up either of those. But you obviously want something from me before you do what you want to do anyway. You want me to grovel? To swear that I'll wear a lab coat every day, and to give speeches like a good little lap dog? “
No, he didn't want House to do any of those things; House looked dorky in a lab coat. He knew what he wanted.
"I want..." Wilson rubbed the back of his neck, and then consciously forced his hand down and looked at House squarely. "I want you to take me out to dinner."
House blinked. "You'll come back to work if I take you out to dinner?"
"Yes, and you have to pay. Somewhere nice, not Mickey D's. Tonight."
"Yes. Pick me up at seven." Wilson said, confident again. House would do this, if only to satisfy his curiosity. "Don't be late." Then he shut the door.
Wilson didn't doubt for a moment that House would show, but he half expected him to show up an hour late and in jeans. Instead there he was, at seven, dressed in a suit and wearing the blue shirt that Wilson had always liked, the one that matched his eyes. He was even wearing a tie. Wilson himself was wearing his green tie; the one that House thought made him look pretty, and his French shoes. He was pretty sure from the look on House's face that he'd gotten the message.
The trip to the restaurant was quiet and when they sat down House fidgeted with a menu, his eyes on the table.
"You look nice," Wilson said, and House looked up and stared at him like a frightened, if also bizarrely hopeful, rabbit. Wilson smiled inwardly. "Have you ever been here before?"
"Only when it was a strip joint." House looked around; the restaurant was full of couples. Romantic , was the word that came to mind. "What's next, are we going to talk about my dreams, hopes and aspirations? Wilson, what the fuck is this? Are we on a date ?"
That hadn't taken long, Wilson had bet himself they'd at least get the meal ordered. He laid his menu down. "Would you like it to be one?"
"Would I like to be on a date with my straight, married, best friend? Of course, and after this I'll be asking Cameron out."
"What makes you think I'm straight?"
"Oh, the little matter of the three wives, one of whom you are currently still married to ."
"I told you, my marriage sucks. Pretty sure Julie is having an affair. She might as well; I've been having an affair for years."
"Ha, I told you, those shoes don't lie."
"With you , House. Oh, not in bed, but in every other way that counts. I spend all my time with you, and you've been chasing me for years. Well, now you've caught me."
House regarded him with suspicion. "Why would you want to be with me? I'm older than you, I'm not particularly good looking, I'm not charming, I'm not even nice. What I am, is what you want, I'm needy."
"Then look how well that works out." Wilson opened the menu again and pretended to peruse it while House looked daggers at him from across the table. "Look, House, we can eat dinner, I'll come back to work and we'll go on as before. Or, Julie's out of town for the week - we can go back to your apartment... and just see what happens."
House reached up and undid his tie, stuffing it in his pocket. "We don't need to eat, do we?"
"Not if you're going to start getting undressed." Wilson wouldn't mind doing a little undressing himself, but not here.
House threw some bills on the table, and they both got up.
"Just so you know," House said coyly, "I don't put out on the first date."
"Well, that's a shame, " Wilson said, "because, I do." He leaned over and kissed House lightly on the lips, a promise of things to come and then stepped back. House looked at him with hunger in his bright eyes.
"Well, you know what they say," House said. "Everybody lies."
~ End