Dec 20, 2011 13:34
So, I probably might maybe post a decent bit today because I'm trying to stay awake while fuzzily tired. If I can do this, maybe I can actually sleep during the night. Yesterday I had to wake up to take people to the airport, so then I took two naps, one of which lasted from 6 til 1:30 (yes, in the morning), so now if I can stay up until time to go to bed (and have at least some discipline for about 4 days), I could finally turn this around.
Anyway, I shall now proceed to say what I was dying to say about the original Korean version of the Lucifer PV.
1) It looks like Onew is desperately trying to find his way out of a set of glass doors (like the ones you go through to get into Walmart) the entire PV. In some universe, this could look stupid, but because it's Onew, it just looks heart-breakingly sad (plus the damn light won't stop mocking him). He thought he made it this time, but no, just another wall of glass. His sadness is also added to by the fact that he's certain the fur on the back of his vest isn't fake. While he loves eating chicken, he cries every time he thinks of the bunnies that died for fashion. This is probably why there's very little else to say of him for the entire rest of the PV other than noting the very elegant 40-something old woman impression he gives off in the white outfit-hair ensemble. Overall he's very pretty in this song, voice and appearance-wise.
2) Taemin spends the half of the PV that he's wearing the headband wondering "Why am I wearing a headband, wandering around the sewers?" and the other half of the PV wondering "Why the hell did they ever think it was a good idea to give me asymmetrical hair like this and why did I ever let them?" The rest of the band is only wondering "Were those rumors that Tae's actually a girl true?" Taemin wins the victim award of this PV. Victim of the hair stylist, victim of the clothes stylist, victim of rumor and doubt. It's a sad life. (Strange, because his hair extensions and styling during the rest of this period worked so well for him). Funnily enough, the random green visor that makes him look like an alien in the promotion pictures barely makes an appearance and somehow slides under the radar due to the more-pressing weirdness of everything else.
3) Key spends the PV rocking out with his mirage hair, actually one of the best ideas I've ever seen. If you're going to go all the way and shave half your head, why not dye the shaved hair blond so that the effect lasts longer? You get more mileage out of your hair and you also get to confuse everyone who stalks you when they see you for the first time. "Did he shave it? Did he not? I have to get closer to find out." It's these stalkers that were rumored to be the reason for the neck-protector he wears in the PV (and continued to wear for 3 months in secret).
4) The only time I notice Jonghyun in this PV is when he's either glowing or showing off one of the weirdest shirts I've seen (oh yeah, and his back, no complaints there). Okay, my bad, so that's the entire PV. I think Jonghyun may have been the only one to notice the cars in the background and wonder exactly what they had to do with the song (probably because they shoved him in a car and told him to drive even though they KNOW he has trouble reaching the gas). He shrugged it off and figured it made him and everyone else look cooler and manlier as they sang. He was right. It makes him feel better as he tries to breathe for the rest of the song after that extended high note.
5) Minho, like the others, has his own truckload of issues. He's aware that his eyes are big and that he's often called frog-eyes behind his back (mostly by Key), but did they have to try so hard to balance them out with the eyeliner? And those aren't the only random flares he has. Out of all the post-modern artsy haircuts, Minho got off the worst. There is NO way you can justify v-bangs. But at least you can hide them and look damn gorgeous if you spike them up. Not only did they go after his face, however, but Minho is forced to have a dance solo in this PV, something that never ever should have happened. There's a reason they dressed Taemin in red while the rest had white and gold. Some people are dance aces and some people aren't. Minho is fine with this, but they just had to rub it in his v-banged, liner-tailed face. Talk about kicking a guy when he's down.
Anyway, I never want to slam SHINee or Lucifer. None of this is criticism, just things that are really in the PV that can be a little odd and are fun to expand on. Whoever said cool things make sense? Overall Lucifer showcases their attractiveness and has a strong cool vibe and attitude which fits the song. The dance is pretty kick-ass as well.
(Oh, poor Minho. He really can't dance. I'm sure he tries hard, but he's not built for that sort of coordination. His athletic skills are amazing, but no one can win every skill.)
pv review,