Ingredients in fridge/freezer:
Tools available:
Brilliant plan: Brie and mango chicken!
Time taken: Really not long
Results: Good in theory
Mango and brie together are almost more magical than the Jarlsberg, peach and strawberry day I had a few weeks ago. The weak part is really the frozen chicken breast, which contains this saltwater solution and can be pretty overwhelming to delicate ingredients. Next time, I need to have a LOT less chicken or about 3 times as much mango. Also, maybe I could stick the cheese in after, so it doesn't get all gooshy.
Degree of digestive displeasure: moderate (i.e. nothing like that time I ate a bag of carrots and a bag of marshmallows for dinner)
Conclusion: Ingredients maybe yummier in original forms (excepting the chicken)
Tune in next time for Sara's adventures in resourceful Sunday afternoon meals.