Title: How poor is poor Remus Lupin and how innocent was Sirius Black?
Spoilers: Prisoner of Azkaban
Summary: This is a multi part (2-3) piece. The first one is an introduction to how Remus Lupin was portrayed in “Prisoner of Azkaban”. And how the reader was emotionally tricked into sympathizing with him.
A/N: No beta, No editor, No friend, No co-
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He's also self-serving and spineless. But all in all not a bad person me thinks... I just don't know why he bribed the Sorting Hat with to made it into Gryffindor... I mean even poor Neville could stand up to their friends...
What you're too busy!
(So I don't have a job this semester and a lot of free time, so what?)
So, Lupin is the most passive-agressive bastard I have ever read and "met"... Really.
He's also self-serving and spineless. But all in all not a bad person me thinks
That is confusing (and disturbingly not incorrect)
Also, this week, no work for me... it is holy week in here and thus it is a holyday, so no work... sorry :(
And I know I am correct at that werewolf :P Even if some Lupin fans may hate me for it :P
He's also self-serving and spineless. But all in all not a bad person me thinks
agreed! But I'm not sure passive-aggressive can be viewed as a bad trait - I've a feeling that only people who are generally in the lower pecking order display passive-aggressiveness. And in Lupin's case, he can't afford to be really aggressive and risk being exposed/persecuted as a werewolf.
I just don't know why he bribed the Sorting Hat with to made it into Gryffindor
Huh, that's so TRUE! Never thought about it, but you're definitely right! Can't think of one thing Lupin did that is courageous. Hm, maybe his being a spy (or DD's emissary) among the other werewolves? Not sure.
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