(no subject)

Nov 09, 2008 12:57

Okay kids, here it is. The update I was promising.

Let's see... let's start with work, that's the easiest.
Work is decent. I've been there for almost two months at this point. The major issues are that:
1) No one really knows me and I'm a lowly intern. Thus, if they can get away with it, they will not respond to my questions and concerns until they feel like it. They usually take their sweet everloving time.
2) No one really wants to be responsible for me. When they offered me the position, a girl named Samantha was going to be my escort/direct overseer. Because it took like three months longer to get me in than it was supposed to, by the time I got there Samantha had moved on to another job. So, her boss is now my boss, and totally doesn't have time for me. Also, my boss' manager is both the manager and the manager's manager... he already accepted the promotion but no one has been chosen to fill the position so he's doing both jobs. Which means he does not have time for me or my questions or my paperwork that has to be signed by HIM. Highly annoying.
3) This is government work, and it moves at a snail's pace. Everything that is done is reviewed over and over and over and signed off on by like 6 different people. Even if it's the most simplistic project, it has to be analyzed in every detail before it's approved. And I have discovered I am not particularly patient.
Those are the bad things. On the other hand....
1) I'm making good contacts for later. I've already met 4 FBI agents, two of whom are the "nations foremost experts" in their area, forensic photography. I get to go to Quantico in a few weeks, and I'm hoping I can make contacts in the areas of forensics I'm particularly interested in, so I can get in like Flynt. :) I would absolutely love to work for the FBI.
2) The work is starting to move along now, and because this place tends to be incredibly inefficient, I'm ahead of where they expected me to be on some of them. That makes me look good, and I like to look good.
3) The work does related to what I want to do, in some ways. I'm finding that my personal knowledge of forensics is helping me get things done, and its good to know that these things are connected.
4) My cubicle neighbor is a total slacker (relatively speaking) and he he jokes with me and makes my times of boredom infinitely more managable.
5) When I am bored, I can read my forensic books and legitimately consider that work appropriate.
6) I have a job and I'm getting paid. Can't complain about that.
7) I have time to look for something new while I enjoy working this job and getting paid. A++.
So that's work.

Life? It's mostly slow. I like living with Colin, we get along just fine and tend to have an equivalent desire to relax during off time and have sporadic "work work work" frenzies. Blythe is usually around, and for the most part can fill in as the default female friend. They have plugged me into a group of people, so I'm not hermitting, which is good.

I will say it's weird that everyone I know I know through my brother. Kinda makes me feel like a tagalong sometimes, and it also makes it hard for me to be myself, because I don't know whether these people will report back to Bubba. I mean, not that I'm doing anything in particular that they would have to report back, but it's kind of weird not having someone I can confide in with full trust that it will stay with them. I'd like to make a few friends of my own.... it's harder than you think out in the real world.

I miss everyone at Auburn alot, but it's really of no consolation to go visit Auburn because it just reminds me that things there are changing and I'm not a part of it. And that blows. So...

Boys are really silly creatures. I've had a surprising amount of interest coming in from boys since I got to Aiken- none has panned out, because either they are inept when it comes to picking up the phone and calling or they just aren't my type, but it's still flattering. I'd like to have something real sometime soon.... I'm working on it.

I hear Transporter three is coming out. Can't complain on that one. I hope I get to see it in a timely fashion ;)

I guess that's the general update....
My weekend has been good. Came home, since I skipped doing that last weekend. Dad's hand, which he had surgery on after a pretty serious infection of a wound there, is getting better. Megan is hitched and happy and she and Lars just bought a new house which I will visit frequently (it's nice). I helped paint this weekend. Sarah came to help as well, and she is always entertaining. Hung out with Colin's boys Friday, that was fine. Mom's been cooking, always good. I'm not looking forward to getting in the car this afternoon... but you take what you get.

Going to visit Neda next weekend, you can trust there will be an exciting post about that a little later.

:) Anything I'm forgetting?
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