I loved the LOST season 4 finale so much that I watched it twice, and took notes! I am a dork. However, I am also a lazy dork, and I never posted these notes. Season 4 is going to premiere, um... very soon. So what better time is there to post?! A lot of these notes are kind of.. non-sensible, because I don't even remember some of what they're in reference to x_x
Spoilers, obviously.
On the island:
-Sawyer and Jack looking for Hurley, aww
-Ooh, Jack and John showdown! Always fun
--Terry O'Quinn's kind of an awesome actor
-explosives - "Not yet" for Michael
--this will not end well
--"Boom" - Jin's so cute xD
-Keamy: "How'd he get the toolbox?" and Lapidus says "Damn." I really like this guy
-Sayid vs Keamy = kickass
-they get promised off the island, and they're so hopeful :o
-Hurley & Walt "You're getting big" <3
-lying to protect everyone, oh my!
--Aw, Hurley doesn't want to say his dad's dead
On the island:
-lol, 20-year-old crackers
-"Thanks for coming back for me", "Ah, you got it."
--Sawyer's an ass with a heart of gold.
-LIE TO THEM, JACK. Such tension!
-Ben returns, lol, anthuriums.
--down the elevator shaft, last times Jack sees Locke alive
-Faraday - I'm still confused about his motives
-Rose, to Miles "Who said you could eat those peanuts?", "I'm going to keep my eye on you, shorty." I love her so much XD
-Miles, to Charlotte "After all that time you spent trying to get back here" ??
In the Orchid Station:
Casimir Effect, space & time experiments
-no inorganic matter in the room! Locke is befuddled, lol
-"Was he talking about what I think he was talking about?"
--"If you mean time-travelling bunnies... yes." Haha
-Keamy returns D:
Outside helicopter:
-Sawyer and Kate, aww
--with Jack, return of the love triangle
-Sawyer, "Hey Kenny Rogers. There a handsaw here?" "For the handcuffs, right?" Ha.
--Sawyer, best conman ever
-almost thought Keamy was another Mikhail
-uh-oh, heart-rate monitor connected to explosives
-Locke negotiates - aww, he does care
-Ben's rage - he's never been a loose cannon before
Back on shore:
-Charlotte, to Faraday "would it make any sense if I told you I was still looking for where I was born?"
--She just got great potential to be a really interesting character
-Aw, Faraday looks so worried (then again, he always does)
-Desmond, with the bomb, he's trying so hard
-losing fuel, need to be a "few hundred pounds lighter", Hurley's sadface :(
-Sawyer sacrifices himself D: what did he whisper to Kate?
--Kiss! Freckles! "Just do it"
-I shall be VERY UPSET if Sawyer dies
-Sayid, badass assassin to bust out Hurley
--nice haircut, btw o_O
-"Why are you calling him Bentham, his name is--" "Don't say it"
--What's with the reactions toward Bentham?
-not going back, Sayid reassures, going somewhere safe
-chess game "Checkmate, Mr. Eko." And here's where I get a little wibbly ;___; (Eko!)
Helicopter & Boat:
-can't find boat, but Hurley spots it
-in Orchid, Keamy dying
--Widmore will find Ben, "Not if I find him first"
-uh-oh, red light on bomb
-Desmond, tells Jin to GTFO. He's good folk
-are they fixing the bullet hole in the helicopter with tape?
--SUN D:
-Christopher Shephard "You can go now" Bye Michael!
--BOOM. Pretty good way to get rid of the extras, lol
-agh, poor Sun. I am a little bit teary-eyed
-Sun meets Widmore :O
--Common interests, "not the only ones who left the island" Does she mean Ben?
-Ben, "Good command decisions get compromised by bad emotional responses." No shit.
-Juliet boozes it up
-Sawyer returns, how the hell did he lose his shirt swimming in the ocean?
-Aww, sad!Sawyer
-consequences - whoever moves the island can never come back
-"Goodbye John, I'm sorry I made your live so miserable" sincere apology?
-Richard Alpert, "Hello John, welcome home"
--John, :j
-Ben does go somewhere freezing.. on a tropical island
--does this explain the polar bear? Or was that just Walt being wacky?
-yay, he gets to move a giant, heavy gear!
-"I hope you're happy now, Jacob" Still really curious about this dude.
-moving island, reminds of the game "The Island of Dr. Brain"
-fire around the gear, bright light
-Island: Poof! *small ripple*
--Not what I had in mind, but that's one way to do it.
-what happens to the raft and Faraday?
-I don't know how the hell Aaron would survive that crash, but okay
-Jack saves Desmond, yay
-Kate's house, creepy whispering on phone, door creaking..
-She tells Katie not to bring back Aaron
--Does this mean Kate may return semi-willingly?
In the water:
-Hurley, "Locke did it!"
-Hurley's gloating a bit, lol, and Jack's fuming
-a boat!
-Jack says they're going to have to lie
-Men on the boat speak Portuguese, like the men in Penny's tracking station
-Penny! Desmond! Together again! At least there's one happy story in these two hours of complete horror.
-I kinda like Hurley's shirt here, with the tic-tac-toe pattern ripped at one corner :x
-Jack talks to Penny, sets up the lie
-at least Desmond and Lapidus are alive :D
-"Don't let him find you, Desmond." Widmore's bad news :/
-random island of Membate - rescue!
-Jack returns to funeral parlour
--he breaks in - criminal!
-We'd better get some freaking answers. Cripes.
--if they don't reveal Jeremy Bentham... (who, by the way, is another philosopher name :D)
--open casket! Man, this thing is dragging on for ages
-Ben bursts in, lookin' snazzy.
-Mister Bentham told Jack that after he left, bad things happened, and it was Jack's fault
-Ben, "the island won't let you come alone"
--all must return, Ben will help
--includes Bentham. SHOW THE DAMN CORPSE.
-John Locke! This show's going to give me a heart attack.
Et fin.