Dreams - Rakinos and Stolen Merchandise

Nov 06, 2008 15:40

Two dreams I had that won't fade from my mind. Nov 2 and Nov 3 in order.

I thought it was interesting. I finished reading Creon on Oct 31 and I was right in assuming that it was full of randomly placed profanity. It's an okay werewolf story. So I dreamt that I was in space or some area in a 3D math program universe or something. What I saw was a bunch of wireframe-looking white rectangular things. Two, one on the left and one on the right. I moved forward and I saw as these box things started to appear in sets of 2 in a spinning manner. At the end though, I see that asshole werewolf, [Rakinos], from that story I read though. He knocked me back to where I started. I went back, saw him, and the settings changed. He turned into some cartoon character I can't remember who and the dream ended.

I thought it was interesting because the thoughts in my mind were Mathematica, God, and the movie, Π. I recalled time ago when I use to get lots of false awakening. I would constantly see green glyphs and number shuffling and changing on my pillow and floating above my bed. It just reminded me of those incedents.

The other dream. I dreamt I exited college and when I arrived at my car all the doors were opened. I feared that things were stolen. My mom's purse in particular.
Someday I won't be part of this word. An intrusive phrase that pops up in my mind.

inanity, dream, intrusive thoughts

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