Happy Birthday Lee Donghae

Oct 15, 2008 19:16

Happy Birthday Lee Donghae! <3
(Or B-late as it is the 16th in Korea)

Though I was disappointed Hyuk didn't say happy birthday to you on Kiss the Radio.
Or maybe I just missed it earlier... & I'm hoping it's the latter (:

This year you turned (23) 22! Congratulations!  Though we are only 2 years and 3 weeks(flat) apart! and were both born on the same weekdays Wednesday (Sunday).  I'm glad to have met you through Super Junior!  You, the only one that truly made me know how to fangirl, and  had given me the thought of living a life as a girl and what a girl likes!  Before that, I was a careless person, and didn't reflect much on my decisions and how I would affect others.  You, my good friend, truly made me realize that life itself is valuable, and is worthy of praising others around you and always remember to thank them.  I would remember telling myself lies that I would repay back the debts I owe, but would always ignore it for procrastination sake.

When you told your stories of how you would just want to play instead of being a singer and rejected your father's wishes, I cried, for I was the same.  When news of your father's death released in the media, and you cried, for your biggest wish was to sing infront of your father, but didn't get the chance too.  I cried.

I cried hard, because part of me pity you.  I cried because part of me envy the bond (love) between you and your dad.  I cried, because I hope the situation doesn't happen anytime soon for me.  For I have always strived hard to get the attention of my dad, and to lose such a chance like you did will break my heart.  And I cried.  Because I just can't stop crying.

The sorrow, though could only be felt in your heart, had secretly slipped through your troubled chest and swam out to the sea of emotions through out the world.  And I, am one of those people who have luckily, picked up your bottled messaged of your sorrow, and have read, and kept it.

As I'm typing, I'm crying.  But do not frown to see those who cry and pity you.  Smile, and thank them always.
For they cry, not because they are sorry, but because they are happy that you are healthy!  Such emotions as this can only be felt through the heart, no words needed.

This is your (23rd) 22nd birthday, though you can not see the love and presents we had sent you oversea.  Always remember that in the world, there will always be someone dreaming and wishing for your happiest and healthiest!  For admiration do not always have to be presented to the naked eye.  I hope you have a happy year this year, and l wish you good luck on your friends and your upcoming 3rd album!  I'm looking forward!  Don't stress out too much!  (though I know what your answer is : I'm not stress)   You have a solid back up protection from your fans and friends!  Of course Family and Reletives! <3  P.S Don't forget to Laugh and Smile and give Hugs of death!  It's your signature!  Now blow out those candles and wish away those bad days and wish for a new good day!

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