Reflections: Rants

Dec 15, 2006 16:04

I'm introducing a new tag - "Reflections: Rants" - as a reaction to how life is eating away at me. This time it's an academic rant. I'm into 1,500 words out of the total 3,000 of the major International Relations essay. The plan is to get just as much done in the remaining six hours. Here's to hoping I can do that. Or else, I suffer loss of points, which is not likable to me right now.

I am kind of tired.

Tomorrow's my bro's wedding, tonight are the guests, next Tue/Wed are the exams and tomorrow's another deadline for another essay. Something's rotten in the Kingdom of Denmark. {I know, wrong quotation, but I'm dead. And de mortuis nil nisi bonum - so, let's just carry on pretending that I quoted it right, yeah?}

FRUH-STRAY-SHON is the keyword of today. But shoo with me, I must get going with the essay. Will be probably posting updates or something. Just to fool around and waste the time, as usual. That's the fun of it though, isn't it? I'm starting to think I'm a druggie - addicted to the deadlines adrenaline. Eew.

[ETA: 5.41 hours later] I AM DONE I AM DONE I AM DONE! I'm nearly ecstatic. HAAAAAAAHH! Listening to Beck now with fascination!

reflections: rants

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