Reflections: Random

Dec 13, 2006 12:59

... I think I just did the silliest thing I've ever done.

[ETA:] Allright, maybe it wasn't that silly a thing to do. I think.

reflections: random

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akirad December 13 2006, 13:09:55 UTC
The only way to make it better is to tell us all about it.

In minute detail. Then we can make you feel better.

Or maybe worse.


menestral December 13 2006, 13:15:14 UTC
Hahahah! Danke, my dear dear Akirad. :) [Meaningless info, but: there's a Kyrgyz name that's read like your username read backwards]

Hmm. Well. If you're really interested in silly happenings (and that was REALLY silly, I still think)- it's... Damn, I'm ashamed of what I did! >.>

ALLRIGHT, anyway - I went and SMSed a guy I like asking for moral help. I'm in the beginning of writing a 3,500 words essay on International Relations, and the deadline is Friday by midnight, and I've only have 300 words so far. To add to that - no thoughts whatsoever found inside my cranium. I lose.


fiendery December 13 2006, 14:04:03 UTC

What's silly about that?


menestral December 13 2006, 14:21:24 UTC
>.> Well... It's like, as if I can't overcome everything on my own, and need others' help. It was kind of... weak and girly of me? >.> Or something. And I wrote it as a reaction to my complete frustration and despair to ever find words to fill the word limit.

See, it's silly!


fiendery December 13 2006, 14:24:39 UTC

Dude. So you asked a guy for help on a paper. People ask for help on papers all the time. Well, okay, not all the time, but it's not all that weird or silly.

Though your logic might be a little silly, yes. ;P


menestral December 13 2006, 14:28:52 UTC

I didn't just ask for help on a paper. >.> See, that's the thing. I asked him, specifically, to write me back, saying that I can manage it. What kind of a silly person does that? I mean, I know I can do that (or, rather, I hope), but asking others to say the same? >.


fiendery December 13 2006, 14:31:30 UTC
...well. I have only two possible answers here. I'd poll it for you, but LJ doesn't do comment polls.

1.) You did the classic friend-asking-friend-for-reassurance thing, which I guess you're not used to, or
2.) You're being a little flirty.

...soooo? 8) Come on. Which is it?


menestral December 13 2006, 14:34:14 UTC

OH MY GOD! I don't even know how to be flirty! ::turns cherry-red because... MAN, flirting is like the land of the unknown for her::

I think I did number 1. >.> Or something.

well, if we have got to be going deeper - I guess, I'm just afraid he might interpret this as me being flirty. Which I wasn't. At all.


fiendery December 13 2006, 14:38:50 UTC
Ahahaha. XD Flirtiness is built into most people. It's just that some of us don't use it often and therefore have no idea when we do.

Don't worry about it too much. S'long as he doesn't take it as an opportunity to go out to dinner or something. XD


menestral December 13 2006, 14:43:33 UTC
You know what? I think you're uncannily sagacious. (Man, don't I sound pompous when I use that word?) - I hadn't even know it was that which was bothering me about me messaging the guy.

Yeah, fo'shizzle. That'd be just too surreal and top this nightmarish week. Because, in addition to my finals coming one after another next Tue and Wed, to two papers due one after another this week Friday and Saturday-- I ALSO have my brother's wedding on Saturday, and the party for the older relatives on Friday. This week. If he uses it to go out to dinner... I'll just hammer him.


fiendery December 13 2006, 14:51:10 UTC
Yeah, well, you know what? ...I'm just cool like that. (If someone didn't know what sagacious means, that could sound like the funniest "BRING IT" insult ever.) But mostly, it just needs an outside perspective to make sense, s'all.

Geeeeez, someone's schedule is packed.

Which is why I take this as a perfect opportunity to mention a RP to you. I totally forgot to advertise this in my journal, didn't I? If you have the time, tell me what you think of moonlighting.

Good luck with all the work! And don't worry. You can give him an extra smack over the head from me if he does anything like that.


menestral December 13 2006, 15:01:54 UTC
HAHAHAH! What'd transpire after that funny "BRING IT" insult would be even funnier. Hmm, why am I liking this idea of a fight over this nuisance so much though? >.>

Totally, but- a GAME! One you are modding too! I'm totally in. Bringing in an OC chara, obviously, as my knowledge of the anime fandom is rather limited. I'll get to the application soon enough, sometime during the upcoming Sunday, methinks. As for what I think - hey, that's a cool idea, about the moonlight and the pathways into different worlds. ... OMG, the possibilities! The endless possibilities! ::hyperventilates::

Rest assured, I shall deliver the extra smack. XD


menestral December 13 2006, 15:03:47 UTC
And-- THANKS! by the way. XD


fiendery December 13 2006, 15:10:00 UTC
...because you're wrong in the head, Syinat. I thought we all already knew that.

Yes! Game! And don't worry about the anime fandom thing; I'm going with two OCs and a TV show character next to my one manga character. Take your time on the application. We're not starting until Saturday anyway. Man, it's been a while since I've done a RP with you.

And uh. NO PROBLEM? You good to go now? XD


menestral December 13 2006, 15:16:26 UTC
Oh, right. Yeah, that. Yeah. >.> Just... don't tell anyone, yeah? I want to keep my super-cool image of a person with no cockroaches in the head (so that I could nastily shock the newbies later on).

Yesss, finally a RP with you! I was longing for that for quite some time now, and yes, NOW I GET TO HAVE MY DREAMS FULFILLED, yay! And maybe I'll even go as far as apply for TWO characters. Just to challenge myself and see how I can cope with added responsibility.

And-- YOU ROCK! Which means: yes, good to go now. And maybe even able to finish up half of that damned essay tonight. (Or maybe not, but I feel such an influx of strength-- I'VE GOT THE POWER!)


fiendery December 13 2006, 15:21:09 UTC
Psh. If they don't figure it out, they don't deserve to know. Besides, it's more fun to surprise them.

I've been waiting for a new RP as it was. XD The popular ones right now don't jive with me. I figured as soon as an opportunity came up, I'd have to tell you, seeing as we talked about it before. I'm modding this because my friend wanted the help though, so I thought, "Why not?" And hey, come back to me when you've tried juggling seven characters at once.

Hahaha. XD Good luck with that then, señor! I'm sure you'll do fine with it.


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