I really thought today was Wednesday?

Aug 20, 2004 00:49

Somehow I have lost a day?

The pretty bracelet Mum and Sheila brought me back from Ireland.The knot one, not the native one.

Oh lordy those 'accio brain' icons of GWB are just too funny.

I watched Besieged tonight. Pretty movie. Filming was gorgeous. David Thewlis(thud). Loved Thandie Newton, very pretty. Almost no dialogue which is weird, but in a good way. Not sure I was happy with the end but at the same time I liked it, if that makes sense. You know how it is though, you get used to movies wrapping things up nice and neat for you and somehow it takes a few minutes to appreciate their willingness to not do that. Weeping all over the last loved thing leaving his apartment. I just can't imagine doing something like that. I actually sniffled all over the end credits, thinking about the ending. I am a first class wuss.

Then I watched Airforce One. WHOA! Once again I have to admit I really only liked the part Gary Oldman played, well and the girl playing Alice did an excellent job too. GO was not the reason I went to see the movie but he is the reason I have the dvd. Damn that man is good. Really, really good. Must see everything he has done. I wonder if he has ever played a normal/good guy type of character? This movie makes me think about motivations and politics far more then I expect Petersen meant for it to do.

Brilliant post. Tea's Sexlist 101 I don't agree with them all of course but it's a great post.

I suppose only Canucks will know this (??) but Holy Crap! CG knows someone from Corner Gas. I love this show. My whole family loves the show. Must be the small town wackiness? Or the Saskatchewan-ness (yes that is now a word)? We are certain it will be cancelled any day because of this fact. My favourite character has got to be Brent Leroy (Brent Butt), but really they are all fantastic. I am so hoping they put them out on dvd soon, would be out already if it was a cbc show. I think CG thinks I am nuts for liking the show but I don't think she appreciates small towns, as much as I do, having lived in one.


The closest town to the farm Mum grew up on.......

The Grain Elevator.
I have a real thing for Grain Elevators. They are starkly beautiful in their decay. This one I remember seeing in operation as a child.

The town.
Two people live in town. That's it. Can you imagine what it's like to live there? So bloody quiet and peaceful though. And sky like I never saw before (not including the Blackout last year). I sure wished for my telescope.

Just sad and pretty
When my Mum was young, this was the town hall. the inside

Corner Gas
Not here.

Such sky
I was not meant to live in a city.

Now I am up way too late for a work night so I'll spare you any more. I know you will all, *coughJennycough*, be waiting, with worms on your breath, for the reenactment pics which I promise to actually post this weekend.

photos, vacation, movies_tv_dvd

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