I spent all night last night looking for Orlando Bloom Wallpapers for CGs kid. I have to say
crevette has totally ruined OB for me because everytime I see pics of him I think of all the 'plans' she has for him and just go ewww shudder, 'Poor dear has no idea'. I am so glad she doesn't perv over Johnny Depp.
A friend send me a link to
this Russian site. I think I may just get the two pirate pictures (the first, Piter and the third, Beatrice in the top row). Amazing work. I wish I was skilled. I am especially impressed with Beatrice. If I could write I'd make Sparrow/Breatrice smut... marysue-ing Beatrice all over the place.
In other news CG gave me two Metal cds. I really like the wumpscut but I had heard them before, she calls their style of music technodeath. I was surprised to actually like Marilyn Manson?? The cover version of like a virgin was just plain weird but I llove Tainted love.
Pringles have triva on them? Do we have those in Canada? Weird. I think a better idea is only have the questions and then make them go to the pringles site with the answers. Prizes, fame and coupons could be yours.