Green smoothie

Jul 05, 2011 12:32

I will never be a vegetarian or a raw food cheerleader but I am trying to eat better.

Had my first green smoothie this morning. Looked gross but tasted good.

2-4 cup spinach  ( I just used one packed cup in case I hated it)
1 Mango -sadly it wasn't ripe so I added a banana
2 TBsp ground flax
1 cup of water.

I added the water and spinach first and used the liquefy  setting on my blender as I am not spending $500-600 + on a new blender. I must admit I was surprised  that it did the spinach as I spent $65 on the blender I have.

Shared it. You end  up with just about 3 cups (using the 1 cup of spinach) more if I used more spinach I would guess.

Did not keep me full until lunch but my regular breakfast doesn't either.

I'm trying this one next.

Banana-Raspberry Smoothie
# 1 cup raspberries
# 1 medium banana, peeled
# 3 cups fresh baby spinach
# 2 teaspoons chia seeds, soaked for 20 minutes
# 4 to 6 ounces of filtered water

Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend on high for 30 second or until creamy.

Calories: 213 | Protein: 6g | Carbs: 47g | Fat: 3g | Fiber: 14.9g
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