I have been gleefully careful to keep my user pics at 60, or there about. I felt so noble doing it too, deleting as needed all the while thinking *see I am not icon mad, I can control myself*. Why? I have the chance for 115 pics why not use them?
* I learned to make masks and it was a lot easier then I thought. Now if only I could figure out making a brush from scratch. I like GIMP but sometimes I really wish PSP worked in Linux.
This video by a 10 year old from New Orleans is fantastic. I love the music as well.
* And while we are talking about videos. Holy bluefairysuckers! this
Harry Potter one is just tremendous. Many thanks to
permetaform for linking it. Beautiful work.
* I discovered Southern Comfort. Someone bought us a 1.4l bottle some years ago and it had hardly been touched. It's weird and sweet, but the more you drink the less weird it is ... although it's still way too sweet. I spent far too long trying to figure out what the fruit is I should have just looked it up. There are many fun filled icy drink mixes online at
Southern Comfort. I hope to make some headway with the bottle over the summer months.
* Exam week. I hate this time of year at work, everyone suddenly becomes nutcases.
* I skip an awful lot of fic because the summary doesn't interest me. I bet I am missing some good fic.
* I spent the long weekend doing nothing as is my usual way with downtime. Read a lot, slept, watched Stargate(made it to season 4) And Stargate atlantis (made it to 1x11). I am still way behind with other things. BSG, Doctor Who and a ton of movies.