* You know I am aware that there are families where everyone hates everyone else but mine isn't one of those Still we are not big on visiting. Uncle G came for dinner tonight. I guess I hadn't seen him for maybe five years. He is exactly like my father, but isn't. There was much laughing and carrying on, lots of wine and good food a great time had by all. Have decided my sister needs to put together some kind of family bonding buffet thingie. There is only one cousin that I would know if I passed him in the street and the older I get the more sad that fact becomes. Two of Uncle G's sons live not 15 minutes away but we have never even called each other.
* I cannot believe CG didn't tell me about the season final of BSG. I was stunned.
* Almost as stunned and freakily fangirly as I was over Severus and Remus showing up at
the_leaky and Severus answered my lame questions and didn't Hex me! :)
* How sad is it that I cannot decide if it's hot enough for the a/c? I suppose the fact that I can't means it isn't but still.
* Wow thanks
xochiquetzl cool link
Researchers: Dolphins use sponges as tools