Now it can be told...

Jun 23, 2011 20:49

Now that His Presumptive Majesty, King Raul Mercenes, has been Most Thoroughly Deposed, I can finally share this with the teeming masses.

First, we present an excerpt from my PEL the morning after Raul committed his heinous act of Malediction-tainted regicide and Ocalan became the bearer of the Divine Blood.

The King is Dead, Long Live Emotional Trauma
In which Trechele takes it on the chin. Again. But we are still the prettiest!

And the fun, it continued! We got an Inquisitorial procession wandering through town. One wonders what might be the collective noun for Inquisitors….an Inquiring? An Intimidation of Inquisitors? A Clorox Bleach Extravaganza of Inquisitors? A Righteous Cleansing, perhaps? Anyway, they came by our fair lands for an important reason. Due to the very significant and emotionally wrought nature of this encounter, I feel that it can only be properly recounted in LOLcats. Or is that LOLfops?

High Inquisitor Lirannon: I is srs Inquistr. I is on srs Inquistr biznes.
Other Inquisitors: *ring bells gloomily*
Shadowfane: WTF?
High Inquisitor Lirannon: Treshell, I sorry 2 say ur king iz ded.
Shadowfane: WTF?
Trechelians: Nooooooooo!
Herald: Hey, Tresheel, ur country explod also.
Shadowfane: WTF?
Trechelians: Nooooooooo!

Trelaine: Ochln, u talk 2 inquistr nao, pls, kthnx.
Ocalan: U shur this gud idea, coz?
Trelaine: Inquistr, is hush bizness, we talk in sekrit.
High Inquisitor Lirannon: This bettr b imprtnt, u fop
Trelaine: Divin birthrit 4 kingz, big deal r no deal?
High Inquisitor Lirannon: U got point?
Ocalan: U got sheelds?
High Inquisitor Lirannon: Yah, u got point?
Ocalan: Silenz wit Divin!
Ocalan (thinking): *teehee! divin powrz actvait!*
High Inquisitor Lirannon: ……..
Ocalan: ?????
Trelaine: *facepalm*
Trelaine: Hey, othr inquistr, u be fixn silenz nao, plz
Other Inquisitor: *fixn silenz nao*
High Inquisitor Lirannon: wtf? Mage sheelds 4 magk, u n00b
Ocalan: I sorry, I is n00b
High Inquisitor Lirannon: ……...
Ocalan: *shaem*

Since I'm sure no one managed to get as good a look at His Majesty's scarf as they wanted, I present to you:

knitting, larp, divine blood, madrigal

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