I was going to post this as a comment in response to
impassioned post, but as I'm not a Friend, I can't. Still, I think it's a valid question and I would love to hear what people think:
Here's a question, and despite the heated feelings that are running around, this really is hypothetical:
If there is a character (not player, as barring extreme circumstances I feel this type of thing should be kept entirely in game) who has done something to endanger, offend, horrify or otherwise egregiously violate the definition of what other characters deem acceptable, what do you think they should be allowed to do about it? Are they, in fact, allowed to respond in any way? Would responding in a way that is harsher than mere admonishment be construed as ruining someone's fun and therefore not allowable? Can one say that the offended parties are risking their own fun being ruined by not acting against the original offending party? Can I possibly use any more lawyer-speak without falling down?
I do mean this as a sincere question. I have no idea what the best course of action is. I do know that I have a problem with someone taking umbrage at me for not wanting my character to be forced to tolerate something that she feels is highly dangerous or illegal. How far is too far, on both sides of the equation?
In a rare departure from, well, everything, I'll leave this post public, at least for now.