Jun 27, 2020 04:00
- Fri, 14:19: RT @ adultswim: #fanartfriday by @ okhadraws (https://t.co/1CabRwxOoA) https://t.co/5JCjtsbtd0
- Fri, 14:20: RT @ Strandjunker: The amount of damage Sean Hannity has caused is probably incalculable. He is responsible for thousands more American deat…
- Fri, 14:20: RT @ sawaboof: You don't want to wear a mask, so you make a fake ADA card. You want to bring your pet everywhere, so you put a fake service…
- Fri, 14:50: RT @ onphileek: If your university has ever used you for diversity pics you deserve free tuition.
- Fri, 14:51: Do you want ghosts made of bedclothes? Because that’s how you get ghosts made of bedclothes. https://t.co/4g9tV9Znvc
- Fri, 16:31: RT @ ianmilligan1: Great that they’ve traced the infections in Kingston, but this seems like the kind of story that we are going to see as "…
- Fri, 16:52: RT @ poisonreview: What we now know about how you catch Covid-19: The worst spots are crowded events, poorly ventilated areas and places whe…
- Fri, 16:52: RT @ Wolven: please for the love of every god you hold dear and everything you hold worthy and sacred think about power and responsibility a…
- Fri, 16:54: My social media ship sailed a long time ago. Anonymity on the internet is a lie, and always has been. If they want… https://t.co/RYmHsbXtfD
- Fri, 16:56: RT @ foxfeather: Tiny baby Sev, back on his first educational outing to help teach wildlife campers about why vultures are so important! htt…
- Fri, 17:11: RT @ Mike_Hixenbaugh: The phrasing “more testing is generating more cases” is incredible. Testing does not “generate” cases - it reveals the…
- Fri, 17:13: RT @ Dippy_the_Dino: Masked up to welcome you all back! It's so good to see so many faces and fun mask patterns on our members today! @ me i…
- Fri, 17:17: The irony of this being posted to IG is hilarious. But, please do scrub images of data before posting. You would be… https://t.co/rRuUH0mAH0
- Fri, 17:17: RT @ QueeringPsych: Y’all again, do NOT post/publish the faces of protesters And going forward, even if they say you can post it, talk to t…
- Fri, 17:23: You know, I hate my brain. I started thinking about @ Dippy_the_Dino wearing a mask, and then where the nostrils are… https://t.co/MsV2TR6S5D
- Fri, 17:31: If you're interested, here is a quick tutorial in everything you can learn from image metadata https://t.co/zCMpRvwZeK
- Fri, 17:52: RT @ perlmutations: Trump and his band of idiots have decided they are A-OK with 200,000 American deaths. Around the world governments knock…
- Fri, 17:52: RT @ Mcstronghuge: In case you're wondering why #Kansas is on the #COVID19 rise, this is being mailed out to many homes, including mine. I…
- Fri, 17:52: RT @ CityofAtlanta: If you report it, we’ll repair it! Since the beginning of the year, the City of Atlanta has repaired more than 2,498 po…
- Fri, 17:53: RT @ iamBrandonTV: I get the sentiment of people supporting but just saying that with no context, you never know. It was very apparent that…
- Fri, 17:53: RT @ iamBrandonTV: I've been on edge a lot when it comes to streaming. There have been a couple times where people have just came in & just…
- Fri, 17:54: RT @ marfybarpes: ITS BAD FOR PEOPLE TO BE DEAD, BRO https://t.co/6OHmQAkeY9
- Fri, 17:54: RT @ FieldsofAthnry: Unexpected peace https://t.co/xFhWTmxlXF
- Fri, 18:55: RT @ leeavallen: #ATLANTA We need you show up at the state capitol and make noise for a veto of HB 838. If you can't come, make phone calls…
- Fri, 18:59: RT @ gsuberland: yiiiikes https://t.co/1tQHiOySDl
- Fri, 19:00: RT @ mathowie: translation: 178 Republican congressmen vote in *favor* of continued taxation without representation for nearly a million DC…
- Fri, 19:06: RT @ EFF: Thanks to the tireless efforts of activists and organizations in Massachusetts and around the country, including EFF, this week Bo…
- Fri, 19:07: RT @ ianmilligan1: So my reaction probably shouldn’t just be to howl with laughter, but like, seriously, take the red lanyard. Do _not_ ta…
- Fri, 19:11: RT @ MadeByAeo: There is nothing stopping twitch from checking a tiny box that says “manually review before banning from reports” from those…
- Fri, 21:08: RT @ morvelaira: You want proof how systemic this is? Apparently one of my old bosses knows my twitter, and while he contacted me to apolog…
- Fri, 21:11: RT @ motelsonmars: @ JamesSACorey https://t.co/aBAuOgXQpK
- Fri, 21:12: RT @ ValaAfshar: “If you don’t like wearing a mask, you’re not going to like wearing a ventilator.”
- Fri, 21:12: RT @ RichardGarriott: The massacre of Tulsa's "Black Wall Street" https://t.co/uV3qAzcYov via @ YouTube
- Fri, 21:20: RT @ byelin: I’ve seen a lot of evil, cynical things since I’ve been following politics, but the Republican/Trump effort to end the ACA in C…
- Fri, 21:20: RT @ mm_schill: I want to talk about something called "performative contrition". It is a term common in abuse survivor circles, and is a VE…
- Fri, 21:21: RT @ charlie_savage: EXCLUSIVE: A Russian spy unit secretly offered bounties to militants in Afghanistan for killing American troops, U.S. i…
- Fri, 21:21: RT @ snacklesbian: here's what they've decided needs their most urgent attention and resources in atlanta: blocking off traffic in the middl…
- Fri, 21:22: RT @ chetfaliszek: This is brilliant, I'd never heard it before. https://t.co/QW0X2SB0Ys
- Fri, 21:33: RT @ church_satanica: This allows for cops to be in a “protected class.” Translation- badges can keep killing black lives with impunity. Let…
- Fri, 21:41: RT @ RatsEveryHour: round https://t.co/g2sfr81lhZ
- Fri, 21:43: Never underestimate how horrifying one human can be to another if they feel their power is threatened. My curse i… https://t.co/K1EwfQMvv4
- Fri, 21:45: RT @ CDCgov: FOOD RECALL: Marketside Brand 12-oz and 24-oz bagged Classic Iceberg Salad recalled for Cyclospora contamination. Use-by dates…
- Fri, 21:47: RT @ EFF: Here are the three questions EFF asks of all new surveillance powers during the COVID-19 crisis: https://t.co/Qwc1cZWIW7
- Fri, 21:48: RT @ ArtMBlake: Thank you @ SamFederFilm and @ Lavernecox for @ Disclosure_Doc ❤️ Please bring more #trans #history to everyone’s screens. We #…
- Fri, 21:51: RT @ jail_support: We are working to get Dramerius free as soon as possible. The authorities hope that scapegoat charges and threatening arr…
- Fri, 21:52: RT @ morvelaira: I agree. Until someone says something, I kind of expect the next thing I hear to be rumors of arrest. What for? I dunno. B…
- Fri, 22:10: RT @ sally_yachts: Protest moving through Druid/Moreland area, cops sounding real jumpy. #ATLScanner is live at https://t.co/E6ueYdWk6i #Atl…
- Fri, 22:33: One of THE best traffic cams. https://t.co/0e5Hzz2O1I
- Fri, 22:36: RT @ legendblade: When you work in, or have worked in, information security or as a software developer with a security focus... you tend to…
- Fri, 22:38: RT @ zachbussey: I've just been informed that there will be NO public statement made by Twitch - but the corporate communication team is res…
- Fri, 22:38: RT @ zachbussey: Official Twitch Statement: "As is our process, we take appropriate action when we have evidence that a streamer has acted…
- Fri, 22:45: RT @ sally_yachts: Interesting clip from Zone 1. I mean, if they're offering... https://t.co/GrDwf9FXCO #ATLScanner
- Fri, 22:47: RT @ UrsulaV: I had to go chase some links and...yeah, apparently the part of the brain that shuts down the other parts of the brain so you…
- Fri, 22:54: RT @ MadeByAeo: @ altairdottv If you need someone to write your FAQs and Database support eventually.. I'm your gal. I wrote and maintain a…
- Fri, 22:58: Folks, your tax dollars at work. https://t.co/vYo41lGBMt
- Fri, 23:01: RT @ iamBrandonTV: I've had a few people who have reached out about appreciating this was posted. Please keep sharing. Add resources if you…
- Fri, 23:05: RT @ NeolithicSheep: Read down for the best description of the Crusades EVER https://t.co/HO6olam1Rk
- Fri, 23:11: RT @ SirCB85: WHAT. THE. FUCK? https://t.co/SW28BF3lwz
- Fri, 23:22: RT @ sally_yachts: Zone 2 getting the really important calls tonight. Join the stream to catch more gems like this... https://t.co/R9upwD2bn…
- Fri, 23:27: RT @ Wolven: Your silence will not protect you. Your carrying water will not protect you. Your willing complicity WILL NOT PROTECT YOU. ht…
- Fri, 23:29: RT @ AliceDreger: Sung to the tune of "76 Trombones": Seventy-six co-vid in the cluster now With a hundred and ten waiting in the testing l…
- Fri, 23:29: RT @ AliceDreger: Our local bar cluster https://t.co/IaJXNTMrsu
- Fri, 23:30: RT @ EFF: To all of our members who registered for tomorrow's Spring Speakeasy Part II, check your inbox for call details! The event starts…
- Fri, 23:31: THIS IS WHY I SLEEP WITH A FORK UNDER MY PILLOW. https://t.co/iPhXyfotyV
- Fri, 23:32: RT @ carterforva: Good. https://t.co/nzBQsKt9Dj
- Fri, 23:45: RT @ ODanicaRockwood: All week long @ WIRED talked w/ me on this matter. Here's the article. Tenchi's lawyer denies everything even if co…
- Sat, 00:36: Yo. Yup. Hi. https://t.co/Wcc8uUFWcE
- Sat, 00:52: RT @ sally_yachts: Another perfect clip by @ strixus. Thanks for the shouutout Zone 1 xoxo https://t.co/whtKHjYK8F
- Sat, 01:19: Checking a lot of my usual haunts on 511, and spot that 005 down at UNV ave is facing an odd direction... https://t.co/Dp1koPLVFK
- Sat, 01:20: RT @ GeorgeTakei: Overheard: Those klan folks will happily put on a hood but can’t be bothered to wear a mask?
- Sat, 01:47: RT @ llmunro: God help us all. "Skills based hiring" and "private sector led approaches.' https://t.co/DArYScQpaU
- Sat, 01:59: https://t.co/BKAfNFukJ2
- Sat, 02:04: RT @ Wolven: Some of y'all's kink is to have a white man look you full in the face and lie to you and it fucking well shows
- Sat, 02:31: RT @ RatsEveryHour: bad rats. https://t.co/kA4s3hnou7
- Sat, 02:34: We have a new winner for Lynchian Traffic cam of the night. https://t.co/AagjxgXxoC
- Sat, 02:54: RT @ gsuberland: #glinner https://t.co/ZGi9ehelA8
- Sat, 03:08: RT @ sally_yachts: Zone 3 has sandwiches and pasta in case anyone's hungry. I'm sure they'll hook you up if you ask nicely. #ATLScanner
- Sat, 03:52: RT @ kevotano: Atlanta, y’all were something else today!! Cannot thank this community enough. We shut down Little 5 Points. The energy y’al…
- Sat, 04:31: RT @ 1technodiva: As a person who's attended multiple Federal trainings, paid for by tax dollars, delivered by Federal training contractors,…
- Sat, 04:31: RT @ 1technodiva: See also: "we haven't had a pandemic in 100 years". My youngest daughter already survived a US pandemic. Spin again.
- Sat, 04:31: RT @ 1technodiva: Empirically, I can't agree with "we don't/didn't know what to do" (and sheesh I can't *believe* the folks I hear that from…
- Sat, 04:31: RT @ 1technodiva: The CDC knew what to do. FEMA. NIH. OSHA stood ready to enforce in the workplace everything that was needed. We have somet…
- Sat, 04:31: RT @ 1technodiva: Try me with something better next time. Or just put on a mask https://t.co/IeobKM8di5
- Sat, 04:31: RT @ 1technodiva: @ gingrpimpernel I'm Logistics trained. Imagine how "we're not the country's supply clerk" went over when they trained me t…
- Sat, 04:32: RT @ pangurandgrim: wishing you all another flat fuck friday https://t.co/cdWvdle6kY
- Sat, 04:35: RT @ sa_da_tay: i am going to get my rat tickling certificate https://t.co/E8LuWLPO7u
- Sat, 04:45: RT @ wirewalking: raise your hand if you were told as an angry political teen that you'd get less angry and political in time when you're "a…
- Sat, 04:45: RT @ wirewalking: hey while you're here, I just saw this gofundme for a Black- and queer-owned food truck that feeds protesters & activists…
- Sat, 05:14: RT @ YepItsZak: The Lasombra Primogen (played by @ BDaveWalters ) speaking about Garou on @ Vancitybynight: "Even my spies hesitate to venture…
- Sat, 07:28: RT @ StevePasquale: 51 states just doesn’t sound right. Let’s make it a clean 52 and include Puerto Rico.
- Sat, 07:28: RT @ gehenna_ebooks: If you hearken to his children with their brethren shall fall by the effects of the mouth of hell from Satan. Heaven,…