Как ни странно, даже эта тема стала поводом для различных придумок нашей оппозиции и желтой прессы (
вот и
вот). Мне непонятно, зачем нужно пытаться принизить любой российский успех, и почему эти попытки всегда предпринимаются людьми абсолютно некомпетентными в том, о чем пишут. Честно, даже я знаю о спорте больше авторов "разоблачительных" текстов
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2. Насколько я понимаю идеологию FISU, цели и задачи там диаметрально противоположные. Это - развитие спорта среди студенчества. Причём именно среди рядового студенчества. Любительского спорта. Не более и не менее.The FISU (International University Sports Federation) was formed within university institutions in order to promote sports values and encourage sports practice in harmony with and complementary to the university spirit. Promoting sports values means encouraging friendship, fraternity, fair-play, perseverance, integrity, cooperation and application amongst students, who one day will have responsibilities and even key positions in politics, the economy, culture and industry.
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Promoting sports values and sports practice also implies giving a new dimension to the university spirit in study, research, and discipline, through the strong affirmation of the full humanist development of the individual and of society at large. This development is not just intellectual, but also moral and physical.
University students should be able to practice sport at the level of their choice within their university. Even if they reach a high level of competition in their sport, students should not consider these competitions as an end in itself, but as an element enabling them to develop their own potential, in the same way as they prepare for their professional life.
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