Jul 22, 2015 20:47
I didn't mention this, but I lost my job earlier this month. I really liked doing data entry at Xerox, but because of the stroke, I never quite got to a point where my speed picked up. I tried very hard, and my boss knew this,but he didn't have any choice but to let me go. I was really sad when I was let go. I knew it was coming, just not as quickly as it did. At least he did it when most everyone was gone for the day. Mario has been very good to me during my time at Xerox, and I'll always love him for it.
A day or two after I was let go, I was called for a job interview with Sanmina. I believe that it went well, but I am still waiting to find out about the job. I have put in online applications for the past two weeks, and today got a call for an interview next Wednesday morning. I am not thrilled to be making less than $10/hour but it's better than what I'm getting for unemployment every week. I am doing a virtual job fair for Verizon Wireless tomorrow, should be interesting.
Until next time...