Jun 02, 2007 00:24
Well I dont have any time to write in this thing anymore. I quit school momentarily I will go back in a year. I am sorry for the terrible tyipng, grammar and, spelling I just worked a 13 hour day between my two jobs. I have been working 60 to 80 hour work weeks lately. Kenny Graduated and now is looking for a real job. Life will get better when this happens.Untill he gets a job, this loser drop out (me) is the only income we have. I had a sinus infection which traveled into my jaw and then attacked the weekest tooth causing an abcessed tooth so Thursday had a 700 DOLLAR root canal only it was more infected than they had thought so they are letting the puss drain for a week and will finish it up next thursday. Apparently they where suprised I was up and acting normal and only complaining minimaly for as infected as it was. Anyhow I have antibiotics and pain meds. Also today the belt that makes my car go broke not the timing belt but I guess the fan belt thingy which turns the alternater, water pump, power stiering and fan. So yeah had fun geting to work and geting it back after a lont day of work. Broke working my ass off and still drowning. I miss having a social life and talking to my friends. NO matter what happens kennys work wise We are moving out of this hell whole of an appartment at the end of july. Just anoter pile of shit on my plate. I am so sick of shit and damn if feels good to be emo and write in a blog I feel I am reverting back to high school only with more work less fun and bigger bills and a grumpy boyfriend who is having trouble finding the job he wants and feels like a looser because he has no job and I have two, On a more positive note well I cant think of one I was just trying to see both sides meh oh well. life kind of bites right now. <3 Kristi
emo rant