(no subject)

Dec 25, 2008 23:59

Okay, I'm a liar. And because I want to, I'm making this post public.

I have no idea whats going on with anyone on LJ, let alone my real friends which clearly shows how anti-social I am.  I haven't spoken to most of them in more than four weeks. I didn't even bother to send a merry christmas text message to anyone :\

Merry Christmas
And yes. yes I did tamper with the time of this post.

My parents went overboard this year and bought me too much stuff. Usually I wouldn't complain, but I feel guilty now.
Laptop, check.
LCD 22' monitor, check.
Camera that has too many options, check.
Keyboard and mouse, check.
MP3/MP4/thing, check.
Jewelery, check.
Perfume, check.
etc, etc.
I was like, OMG, WE'RE POOR NOW.

Anywho, now that my computer is fixed (did I mention my dad gave me his mother board + an extra 40 gig hard drive?) I seem to be on it more, and my poor laptop (that I obvi got before christmas) is collecting dust in the lounge. But my laptop has all my files of what I've written so far on my stories (that I said I would update 4957464 years ago) and it's so hard to just sit down and write something. So ugh, I don't know what to do 'cause I really hate getting my laptop excited and then letting it down by just staring blankly at the screen. :\

I have to pull myself together.

So, recently I've had a lapse and fallen back into the Tokio Hotel fandom, and I was searching "Bill/Tom" on google and it took me to ~Stardoll~
OMG, OMG, OMG. I get on the website and remember it from way back when and I look at the new list thing and it was like "An Cafe." AHAHAHHAA. I GOT TO DRESS THEM AND THEN UNDRESS THEM AND THEN DRESS THEM AND UNDRESS THEM. Then I found good ole' Miyavi.
But I was not impressed that Strify was there. My poor Cinema Bizarre baby. DDD<
Its great. Go undress them. Srsly.
But oh my god, what were they doing on stardoll? Ahahahahhaaha.


(This post got me in a better mood; strange.)

other: self-absorbed rubbish

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