Title: Last Regrets
xfuyunoyoCharacters/Pairing: Shihouin Yoruichi / Soi Fong
Rating/Warnings: G
Theme: #12: Parting Ways / Meetings
The Special Forces dorm was quiet, and the figure walking down the hallway was careful to not disturb that silence. It didn’t take her long to find the room she’s looking for, and she slowly opened the door, the dim light of the hallway lighting the dark room.
The reason for her visit was lying on top of her futon, still wearing her uniform. She always worked herself too hard. Yoruichi stifled a chuckle as she knelt next to Soi Fong. The tiny shinigami wore a content smile, always happy when she could serve her Goddess well.
But not anymore. Yoruichi leaned over and swept her hair to the side, cradling her face for a few minutes, almost reconsidering her decision. No. She’d already decided. She stood hesitantly, tiptoeing silently to the doorway, pulling the door to a crack behind her. Peering one last time at the girl, she whispered, “goodbye, my little bee.”
She tried to convince herself that she was making the right decision. She was helping an old friend, and leaving another behind to continue to grow, because she had so much potential. But deep down, she knew it would hurt. Hopefully…the girl would be able to forgive her.
A tear that she hadn’t even noticed slid off of her face. If she stayed any longer, she probably wouldn’t be able to go. She hastily slid the door closed the rest of the way and disappeared into the night.