A Worldwide Conspiracy

Apr 10, 2009 14:23

I have been silent too long.  For some weeks now, I have irritated my siblings with news of the revelation that has been revealed to me, through the agent of revelations that was my own brain on about three cups of coffee and no sleep.  Now I must tell the world.

We're through the looking glass here, people.

This... is the case of The Avatar Dopplegangers.

I realise that this is by no means a complete list.  After all, my exhaustive research basically amounts to me watching the DVDs a couple of times.  So I urge everyone who can to go out, and uncover more examples.  After all, Knowing Is Half The Battle.  It remains to be seen what the other half is.

Enough preamble.  Are you prepared?

Case No. One:  Big Chief Emancipator.

On the one hand, we have Chief Hakoda of the Southern Water Tribes, father to two of our protagonists.  On the other, we have Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States, Prairie Lawyer, Claymore enthusiast, and all-round badass dude.

Note the high cheekbones on both of them, the tall, clean-shaven upper lip, and the funky beard.  Please also be aware of the thick eyebrows, the solomn gaze of the natural leader, and the air of general, all-round awesomeness.  It should also be noted that, although this does not come  across all that well in the pictures, they were both freakishly tall.

Case No. Two:  Play That Funky Music, Tanned Boy.

To the right, world reknowned guitarist Joe Perry, of Aerosmith.  To the right, world-reknowned prick Hahn, of the Northern Water Tribe.  The Mega Chin on both is self-evident, as is the untamable hair, although Hahn has at least made an effort on that front.  Now, I'll grant you that Hahn is about sixteen, while Joe is considerably older by now, yet the similarities remain.  The high, exposed forehead, and the mouth, almost set in either a condescending smirk or a disapproving ...smirk, actually.  Ditto the air of smugness that surrounds them both, although, to be fair, Joe Perry is actually awesome enough to get away with that.  Hahn's just a prick.

Also Joe's guitar says "Monster Power" on the back, right over where his penis would be were he playing it.  This is utterly hilarious.

Case No. Three:  We Built This City on Mount Doom.

I know, I know, technically it's Hugo Weaving.  And yes, Ozai does actually look like Hugo Weaving.  But the hair seals the deal, really.

This one is pretty obvious.  So much so that there's not much to say beyond "Look!  They freaking well look the same!  It's pretty creepy!"

So there you have it.  Now, what does this mean?  Can Hugo Weaving shoot lightning from his hands?  Can Hugo Weaving only shoot lightning from his hands if he's wearing a long flowing wig?  I hope so, 'cause that would be pretty badass.  A smarter person than I will have to figure out what the animators are trying to tell us, because frankly I lost interest about three seconds ago.

avatar, paranoia, avatar dopplegangers conspiracy

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