Lobos de Arga (game of Werewolves coming to HBO Latino

Sep 13, 2012 12:41

Originally published at The Preternatural Post. Please leave any comments there.

‘Tis the season for all preternatural critters to come out and play. This autumn HBO Latino is going to the wolves with a new exclusive series Lobos de Arga (Game of Werewolves) which premieres at 8 p,m, ET on 28 September 2012.

Lobos de Arga (Game of Werewolves) is a series produced in Spain that tells the tale of a secluded town of Arga in Gallacia, Spain,  where an evil Marchioness once held power. A terrible curse was laid upon her son, turning him into a werewolf. Fast forward 100 years when the family’s only descendant, a not very successful writer named Tomas (Gorka Otxoa), returns to the hamlet to receive and award. It isn’t long before he discovers the real reason the townsfolk wanted him to return is to end the reign of the werewolf. Lobos de Arga (Game of Werewolves) was written and directed by Juan Martinez Moreno and produced by Telespan 2000. It was released in Spain in July 2012.

Spain has a long tradition of werewolf tales.For the most part however, the Spanish lob hombre or hombre lobo, is sometimes depicted as more of a treasure hunter than a killer preferring gemstones to rending the flesh of humans. In this sense, Lobos de Arga is perhaps a more Americanized or even South Americanized version of the traditional Spanish or European werewolf. It is also worth noting that the original curse fell upon the son of an evil woman whereas most European folklore portrays werewolves as evil men under the Devil’s sway.

Several preternatural films are also coming to HBO Latino this fall including Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Cowboys and Aliens as well as a variety of HBO original series. Those films and series produced in English will be dubbed in Spanish. One can only hope that Game of Werewolves may soon be similarly dubbed in English!

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game of werewolves, lobos de arga, hbo, shape shifters, urban legends/folktales, juan martinez moreno, werewolf, hbo latino, television, gorka otxoa

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