The Great Male/Female surveys says aliens maybe, vampires no

Jul 26, 2012 10:17

Originally published at The Preternatural Post. Please leave any comments there.

Two recent surveys have revealed some surprising, and perhaps some not so surprising, facts about men and women in modern society. The good news is that men, according to the Great Male Survey, are more committed to family than ever before while women, according to the Great Female Survey are increasingly committed to their professional lives. The bad news,  both genders would vote for George Clooney if he were running for President of the United States.

The current political, economic and technological climates have affected how the sexes interact and see themselves, not to mention each other. If there is a theme to the results of the 2012 Great Male/Female Surveys it’s that men and women are striving to better themselves across many areas of their lives this year. With more than 50,000 men and women participating in the survey, these statistics a worth a closer look from everyone.
The Great Male Survey 2012, a leading men’s lifestyle website, announced the results of what it’s calling the world’s largest survey of men, the Great Male Survey on 24 July 2012. The survey covered many facet of modern life from grooming to politics to technology to dating.  Among the more interesting findings, from a role play or RPers perspective are the following tidbits:
  • 73 percent of men surveyed say the one fashion/grooming experience every man should have is getting fitted for a tailored suit.
  • 68 percent say the need to protect a loved one warrants getting into a fight with a stranger.
  • When a guy turns on his mobile device int he morning, the first thing 64 percent of them do is check their social feeds and messages.
  • 62 percent of men surveyed believe aliens exist.
  • 58 percent of men don’t care what their partner is doing online and don’t monitor her online activity.
  • 55 percent will check out a woman’s Facebook profile before approaching her. And by the way, 49 percent prefer being introduced by a mutual friend to a woman they want a relationship with while 47 percent will walk right up to a woman they want to sleep with. Less than 10 percent prefer approaching a woman online.
  • Half of men spend most of their leisure time in front of a computer screen and 53 percent say their computer is the one device that could not live without.
  • Checking their work email is the last thing 47 percent of the men surveyed did before turning out the light to go to sleep.
  • 40 percent of men get in the shower as soon as they wake up in the morning. But more than a quarter of those surveyed check their email and other messages first.
  • 35 percent think Scotch is the ultimate man’s drink while 34 percent say it’s whiskey.
  • 28 play video games by themselves with 31 percent using their game consoles strictly for gaming. By the way, most (52 percent) play video games on a video game console.
  • 22 percent of those surveyed think Tumblr is the most useless social media for men. Fortunately they think Pinterest and Instagram are even more useless than tumblr.

There was far more to the survey than these results suggestion. if you’re curious, the full results are available online.
The Great Female Survey 2012 partnered with TresSugar, the sex and culture website of PopSugar, to conduct the Great Female survey which reveals some interesting things about the fair sex including:
  • Checking social feeds and messages is the first thing 55 percent of the women surveyed do when they first turn their mobile device on in the morning.
  • 45 percent of women spend most of their leisure time in front of a computer screen.
  • 39 percent of women believe ghosts exist.
  • 39 percent also say white wine is the ultimate woman’s drink.
  • 34 percent admit to breaking into their partner’s email or messaging account even though 43 percent of those surveyed say they don’t care what he’s doing online and don’t monitor his online activity.
  • 32 percent of women will check out a guy’s Facebook profile before approaching him.
  • 31 percent of the women surveyed don’t think women put too much value on their looks.
  • A quarter of those surveyed say being attractive and a great lover defines a real woman in 2012. Only 24 percent say it’s being financially independent.

Again, this is just the tip of the iceberg from the Great Female Survey. The full results can be found online.
Common Ground

Believe it on not, men and women have a lot in common. For instance 63 percent of men and 60 percent of women surveyed indicated the would tell a little white lie in order to avoid a fight. When it comes to the ultimate status symbol, both men (41 percent) and women (29 percent) say that’s a family. Both sexes thing loyalty is the most important personality trait when it comes to determining who is relationship material.

Sadly, no one, male or female, admits to thinking vampires are real.

science,, aliens, vampires, ghosts, vox populi, gender role, statistical survey, technology

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