Making waiting suck a little less: 2012 Fang-A-Thon

May 01, 2012 06:25

Originally published at The Preternatural Post. Please leave any comments there.

Findin’ yourself howlin’ naked under the full moon?

Have you tried to glamour your boss into givin’ you a raise?

Then you might find that you are sufferin’ from True Blood Withdrawal and we might have a way for you to curb your cravin’ for more.

We at the Preternatural Post, invite all you Truebies and bookies to participate in the 30 Night Fang-A-Thon!

What is a True Blood 30 Night Fang-a-Thon?

On May 11, Truebies will be invited to start to take a bite out of their favorite show, True Blood. The concept is simple enough. For 30 nights, each participant will be expected to blog about True Blood or the book series, Southern Vampire Mysteries, the inspiration for the hit series.


What’s this all mean for all you Truebies out there?

For 30 days, you can connect with other Truebies worldwide, while blogging about anything related to True Blood, SVM! When we say anything, we mean anything.  If you would like to spend 30 nights discuss the many ways Alan Ball ruined True Blood or how great Eric’s rear end is, go for it!

Even better, the choice of topic is up to you and they are encouraging the bloggers to come up with their own topics if they desire to do so. Though if you find yourself struggling with an idea, you can use one of the many topics that are provided as suggestions for the event. And yes…if you would like to share your thoughts (no matter how negative or positive) on True Blood and/or the novels, you can do that too.

It doesn’t matter how well adept you are at blogging, just bring your enthusiasm for the world of True Blood and SVM and you will fit right in. All blogs types are allowed (Posterous, WordPress, LiveJournal, Tumblr…etc.) and there are no restrictions on your location or how much you have to blog.

The rules are simple enough as well. Blog every day for 30 days (from May 11 - June 9) about anything True Blood or  SVM related and you will qualify to be entered into a drawing for one of several prizes that we are offering!

I may be able to read what’s on your mind, but how about ya’ll be kind and share those thoughts with everyone by registerin’ for the 30 Night Fang-A-Thon today!

So, what are you waitin’ for?  Join today and share 30 nights of True Blood with all of us! Widgets

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blogs, shape shifters, the fae, true blood, the preternatural post, tbrp, vampires, wordpress, posterous, contests, livejournal, wizards/witches/pagans, tumblr

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