
Oct 13, 2008 21:48

Name: Trowa Barton
Known Aliases: Triton Bloom, Nanashi (No Name), Gundam Pilot 03
Age: 15 (Though in the Episode Zero English manga they say he's 16 but most fansites say 15, so uh...)
Height: 160cm (~5'3'' ft.)
Eyes: Dark Green
Hair: "Mustard Brown" (Some sites say this and it is the BEST TERM EVER so I'm using it)
Ethnic Origin: Latin (Mediterranean or something, lolvague)

Medical Info: Trowa Barton notably survived exploding in space. Formerly had a case of amnesia, but that's (kind of!) all better now! Has a burn scar on his back as well which, "he didn't get in battle".

Physical Traits: Trowa is the tallest of the five pilots. In saying that, he is exactly 4 centimetres taller than the other boys, who are all exactly 156 cm, proving that Gundam creators defy the laws of common sense. He's the middle weight as well, weighing 44 kg (96 lb.) which means that someone needs to feed him (and the rest of the cast) a goddamn cheeseburger, since Catherine's soup clearly does nothing for him.

Trowa is also made of steel and can survive exploding in space (this is a MAJOR POINT thank you) and also has the amazing ability to do really complex acrobatic moves whenever he wishes, including jumping backwards onto a balcony 30 feet above him. Which is totally possible, really. Trowa has legs and hamstrings of pure awesome and may be a superhero.

What's Okay to Mention: There's not really anything not okay to mention with Trowa. He's got a massively great poker face, so...nothing really freaks him out or irks him. Midii Une is kind of a sensitive subject, but since no one knows about her, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. He's still a bit bothered over Quatre trying to, you know, explode him--but he'll probably get over that.

Notes For the Psychics: I can't imagine Trowa's head is a bastion of interesting. His emo is mostly formed around the fact that his pattern of best friends usually involves blondes trying to kill him (see: Midii Une and Quatre) and he's still got some dramarama over the fact that Quatre most recently tried killing him while under the influence of the ZERO system. There's some facts in there, like Catherine is (most likely) his sister though he kind of doesn't know that or might or no one really knows, and that he's not afraid of death in the slightest.

His real name is also not Trowa. But for now it is.

Abilities: Trowa is a very very talented super human. He has proficiencies in pretty much everything and was raised by mercenaries from the time he was four years old. Yes. Four. He was considered an elite by age ten. He was driving huge combat vehicles by fourteen. Trowa Barton makes Itachi Uchiha look like an idiot child.

Throughout the course of the series, Trowa is capable of piloting every single mobile suit he managed to get his hands on without fail. In Episode Zero, he's shown driving aforementioned huge combat truck and riding a motorcycle. At fourteen, he went into space to work as a mechanic on mobile suits in the L-3 colony. His superiors generally tend to automatically like him. Probably because he can kick their asses.

Physically, Trowa is pretty much a superhuman (I will keep using this word because it is TRUE sob gundam) His parents were implied to have been members of the circus as well, so his genetics are like, freakish acrobatic super powers. He's like Dick Grayson without the Batman! No. Really. He's capable of doing pretty much everything physical, from tightrope walking to jumping to god-knows-what. He can probably even do the splits. Girl style.

Trowa's great at special ops and for a good majority of the series functions either solo or with Heero, who he views as being the most capable of the Gundam pilots. Where Quatre is the brains of the operation, Trowa is the sheer tactical power. Trowa's only weakness is ammo management, which is a REALLY BIG WEAKNESS when you operate a Gundam that primarily relies on its gattling guns.

Trowa's shot is also pretty impressive, both inside and outside of a mobile suit, and he probably ties (or surpasses!) Heero in talent at soldiering. Canon implies that ever since he was thrown from a carriage young, he has lived as a sort of super soldier working with terrorist organizations to kill stuff. During the course of Gundam Wing, he infiltrates several military factions and manages to actually outrank a lot of soldiers. During the infiltration of Oz, he's given a lot of superiority and basically has free reign over the fate of the Vayeate and the Mercurius and who pilots both of them, which is kind of impressive!

Chances are, you do not want to meet Trowa Barton in a dark alley, for only Trowa Barton will leave the dark alley and you will not. Unless he feels nice, or you're blonde. Then he might let things slide.

Trowa also also has nerves of steel. THROW KNIVES AT HIM. He will not react, because he is stoic and boring is not afraid of death/danger/risk/knives. So drawing a gun on him likely will not accomplish anything.

Except maybe your death.

Oh and he's also a circus clown. AND GOOD AT IT TOO.

Shapeshift/bodyswap/etc.: Kind of ehhhh about it, but things will come as they may. Ask, though. AIM is my primary place to contact me, at (hoist the colors)

Hugging/Kissing: Honestly, Trowa would probably negatively react if anyone other than Catherine or Quatre attempt to touch him. I always see him as having a knee-jerk gut-punching reaction, since he was raised as a professional soldier. Either that or he will probably "..." at you, because he is Trowa Barton.

Fighting: If you threaten Catherine or Quatre, he will probably pull a gun on you. But that's because he's Trowa Barton and neither of them could likely defend themselves well orz. Other than that, Trowa doesn't go out of his way to attempt to initiate combat. He generally has a neutral opinion of everyone upon meeting them and is a good judge of character.

Killing: ASK before doing it and I might consider though probably not because that has been tried several times in canon and it always fails. But I would probably have to consult with the rest of my cast because I cannot decide things by myself Quatre would flip his shit Catherine would cut you group input would be necessary!.


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