triomakesmehot Rating: NC-17
Pairing/s: Harry/Ron/Hermione
Warnings: Het/Slash/First Times
Spoilers: None
Category: PWP
Summary: On the night before Harry faces Voldemort in the final battle, the trio find comfort and strength in each other.
A/N #1: My fics are friend-locked on LJ, so if you aren't already listed among my friends, leave a comment and I'll be happy to add you. One can never have too many friends!
A/N #2: This was written well before DH was released, and was the very first trio fic I wrote, so it probably stretches the limits of plausible reality a bit. I still think it's a fairly hot read.
Read “Being There For Each Other” You can also find this story posted at The Quidditch Pitch. My penname there is TheTrioMakesMeHot.