Nov 23, 2011 16:43
so its that time of year again
you've been seeing those people hanging up christmas lights and you shake your head in despair because its not thanksgiving yet, are those people crazy?
yes we are.
because its TIME FOR WINTER HOLIDAYS, or, well soon it is. its still fall technically.
i'm a broke ass bitch so i can't really send anyone anything.
i would if i could.
i do however, have talents outside of buying things so my gift to you is a fanfiction.
(i'm not going to overachieve and offer you fanmixes or anything, because gosh, over achieve much? some people.)
just prompt me and by december 25th, 2011 I will have a fanfiction just for you.
or at least, y'know, I hope I will.
nah, just kidding you will have it.